I was the first celebrity in pictures to be marrying a titled European.

Somebody said that I am the last American living the tragedy of Europe.

I'm glad that I still have the ability to tour in Europe. I do love it.

EU didn't advance our [Eastern Europe] democracy by a single millimeter.

The next Euro-elections will be a step towards a United States of Europe

You know, I think in Europe NASCAR is not regarded as high as it should.

I was brought in touch with developing post World War I ideas in Europe.

I had to go to Europe to tour and he died on the second day of the tour.

My goal is to continue in Europe, but never rule out a return to Brazil.

Democracy is now currently defined in Europe as a 'country run by Jews,'

all the salt of Turkish life consists of politics and official intrigue.

Japanese architecture is very much copied in this country and in Europe.

I think in Europe, movies are made like a commodity and then sold as art.

Labour has converted to Europe because Europe has converted to socialism.

Whoever lights the torch of war in Europe can wish for nothing but chaos.

If the cultural elite has its way, the U.S. will be much more like Europe

The euro is good for Europe. But only if there is flexibility all around.

I think 2015 will see a year where Europe outperforms the U.S. massively.

In Europe, it's more common to hear aggressive dance tracks on the radio.

Hitler built a fortress around Europe, but he forgot to put a roof on it.

We in Europe ... do not consider the freedom to buy weapons a human right.

For the whole of Western Europe, I know the business community quite good.

A torch lighted in the forests of America set all Europe in conflagration.

In fact, in Europe, I'm more kind of this bloke what writes lots of stuff.

It is always said that Europe is a project of the elite. That's incorrect.

If the cultural elite has its way, the U.S. will be much more like Europe.

I was called the greatest director in Europe, but I was just a hard worker.

[On The Netherlands:] ... the entire country is a kind of saturated sponge.

In American politics, 'Europe' is usually a code word for 'big government.'

It is not more Europe or less Europe that we need. We need a better Europe.

Marc Bolan had inspired so many people to pick up a guitar and join a band.

It's easy to maintain your integrity when no one is offering to buy it out.

Labour needs to lead - lead on Brexit, lead in Europe, lead for the people.

I wouldn't know how to find eBay on the computer if my life depended on it.

Purity of race does not exist. Europe is a continent of energetic mongrels.

In Turkey the religious minorities have more rights than they do in Europe.

In 1990 we ran across Europe through 13 countries and covering 7,130 miles.

Europe became rich because it exploited Africa; and the Africans know that.

Europe and the U.K. are yesterday's world. Tomorrow is in the United States.

I fear the prayers of John Knox more than all the assembled armies of Europe

We don't mind having sanctions banning us from Europe. We are not Europeans.

I was always attracted by the European way of life, but I am deeply Swedish.

I think Europe is going in the right direction and we shouldn't be set back.

When I was a young kid I loved Don Rickles, Buddy Hackett and Jackie Vernon.

We should force European governments to choose between Paris and Washington.

In Japan, there is less a culture of preserving old buildings than in Europe.

The actual number of atheists is quite small outside of Europe and Manhattan.

I want to destroy the EU, not Europe! I believe in a Europe of nation-states.

We intend to continue our interest in the affairs of Europe and of the world.

Germany has become the economic heart of Europe because our leaders are weak.

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