Pioneering don't pay.

People dig exploration.

How do I work? I grope.

Explore. Dream. Discover.

Acting is constant exploration.

We shall not cease from exploration

I see nothing to fear in inner space.

Every exploration is an appropriation.

Exploration by real people inspires us.

Exploration is the sport of the scientist

I hope that we continue with exploration.

The choice is: the Universe...or nothing.

Progress is the exploration of our own error.

Get out and find ...the country. And ourselves.

My work became an exploration of non-intention.

My work is not repetition. It is an exploration.

Pascal Lee is a true pioneer of Mars exploration.

America is the spirit of human exploration distilled.

Exploration is really the essence of the human spirit.

All my work is always that exploration of human nature.

Let's face it. Adventure and exploration are in my blood.

Play is the establishment and exploration of relationship.

The greatest discoveries all start with the question "Why?"

In any field, find the strangest thing and then explore it.

There's no exploration anymore, except in a very few places.

There is no reason not to support energy exploration in ANWR.

The excitement lies in the exploration of the world around us.

Something about exploration has fascinated me from a young age.

It's important for the explorer to be willing to be led astray.

Asmat has natural and cultural treasures that await exploration.

A vivid tale of exploration set in a howling, deadly wilderness.

I am very inspired by the exploration of space via private means.

Sometimes there is more exploration in the character for a villain.

With '8 Diagrams,' I just skimmed the surface of musical exploration.

Everyone, red state, blue state, everyone supports space exploration.

Writing is an exploration. You start from nothing and learn as you go.

I think we are at the dawn of a new era in commercial space exploration.

I think there's room for both private exploration and group work in Yoga.

I see no difference between scientific exploration and human exploration.

Getting out of the comfortable path, that's what exploration is all about.

We humans were built for exploration, and we were built to do it together.

You need experience, adventure, and explorations more than you need algebra!

We need people pushing the boundaries. Exploration is what we, as humans, do.

With so much conflict in the world, space exploration can be a beacon of hope.

Learning networking basics is only a gateway to career growth and exploration.

The Deep Flight Challenger technology is a game-changer for ocean exploration.

Growing up in Australia, space exploration wasn't something I was too aware of.

If you wish to advance into the infinite, explore the finite in all directions.

The method of our time is to use not a single but multiple models for exploration.

I am uneasy about having scientific exploration depend on profit-making companies.

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