An artist is an explorer.

Old men ought to be explorers.

I hate travelling and explorers

Explorers have to be ready to die lost.

I like well to be in the company of explorers

If you're not lost, you're not much of an explorer.

I see myself as an explorer more than a storyteller.

An explorer of the universe is sexier than a musician.

Uncertainty is the necessary companion of all explorers.

The greatest explorer of recent decades is not even human.

It's time to open the space frontier to citizen explorers.

In reality, we are all travelers - even explorers of mortality.

We need a space program because we need explorers. Its in our souls.

The senses, being the explorers of the world, open the way to knowledge.

We should be pushing our boundaries. After all, we Britons are explorers and adventurers.

Why would these English explorers search for these spices, yet never use them in their food?

We all become great explorers during our first few days in a new city, or a new love affair.

Spanish Explorers celebrated Christmas in 1539 in the area we now know as the State of Florida.

It's an up and down thing, the human goals, because the human is always an explorer, an adventurist.

In the nature of the case, an explorer can never know what he is exploring until it has been explored.

Like all explorers, we are drawn to discover what's out there without knowing yet if we have the courage to face it.

Britain has bred many great explorers, but they seem to get so little coverage compared to soccer and rugby players.

You are an explorer. You understand that every time you go into the studio, you are after something that does not yet exist.

Architects have to dream. We have to search for our Atlantises, to be explorers, adventurers, and yet to build responsibly and well.

I think of writers as explorers, not necessarily as detectives. So there is certainly detecting that is going on - they're explorers.

I don't feel like a hero - just another person involved in the space business. I'm hoping to encourage young folks to become explorers.

What the history of aviation has brought in the 20th century should inspire us to be inventors and explorers ourselves in the new century.

People make their own fates, and if enough of us make our fate to be space explorers, perhaps we can actually get some space exploration done.

Bringing Roblox to Xbox is a huge leap forward in our mission to unite and inspire the creators, dreamers and explorers of the next generation.

The white explorers had been my heroes. The Aborigines, I thought they were real savages. That was what I'd been taught and that's what I believed.

In 1805, the explorers Meriwether Lewis and William Clark, making their way across the West, were warned by American Indian tribes of grizzly bears' awesome strength.

When, in 1949, I decided to join the little band of early explorers who had followed Albert Claude in his pioneering expeditions, electron microscopy was still in its infancy.

When explorers first encountered my people, they called us heathens, sun worshippers. They didn't understand that the sun is a relative and illuminates our path on this earth.

For 500 years, since European explorers came, Latin American countries had been separated from one another. They had very limited relations. Integration is a prerequisite for independence.

I think our storytellers - our songwriters should be great storytellers, and they should be mountain climbers and explorers, because music is something that can cross all different borders.

I came up with the "We are explorers," with sort of a counter-melody to [Opetaia Foa'i] melody. And so, it happened so organically, that it really, to me, is the most emblematic of our collaboration.

The region west of the Mississippi continued in the popular mind to be a strange land for which the reports of explorers and travellers did the work of fiction, and Cooper's Prairie had few followers.

As every parent knows, children begin life as uninhibited, unabashed explorers of the unknown. From the time we can walk and talk, we want to know what things are and how they work - we begin life as little scientists.

From earliest times, humans - explorers and thinkers - have wanted to figure out the shape of their world. Forever, the way we've done that is through storytelling. It is difficult to let the truth get in the way of a good story.

Mars is key to humanity's future in space. It is the closest planet that has all the resources needed to support life and technological civilization. Its complexity uniquely demands the skills of human explorers, who will pave the way for human settlers.

Explorers tend to be the aggressive types - why else would they risk scurvy, mutiny and other bad things to go out there? So, you could say that any aliens that are actually moving and interested in going somewhere are likely to be more aggressive. But who knows?

All across Africa, the Pacific and the Americas, we find cultures that didn't know about mouth kissing until their first contact with European explorers. And the attraction was not always immediately apparent. Most considered the act of exchanging saliva revolting.

The best scientists and explorers have the attributes of kids! They ask question and have a sense of wonder. They have curiosity. 'Who, what, where, why, when, and how!' They never stop asking questions, and I never stop asking questions, just like a five year old.

Historical records show that Abenakis and other Natives encountered European explorers and traders in Canada looking for sources of ivory to compete with the Russian trade in Siberian fossil mammoth ivory - these traders routinely asked about ivory 'horns' and teeth.

Generally speaking, men are held in great esteem in all parts of the world, so why shouldn't women have their share? Soldiers and war heroes are honored and commemorated, explorers are granted immortal fame, martyrs are revered, but how many people look upon women too as soldiers?

Among my favorite half-dozen topics is the field of Victorian female explorers, the intrepid women who packed up their parasols and petticoats and roamed the world in search of adventure. Some were scientists, some artists, some unabashed curiosity-seekers who simply went out to see what they could see.

Here on Earth, we're exposed to asteroids hitting the Earth, eventual changes in the Sun, changes in the Earth's climate, things we're doing to the Earth's climate. If we want to survive, we need to become a multi-planet species. That's further down the road, but the first wave is going to be the explorers.

We collectively have a special place in our heart for the manned space flight program - Apollo nostalgia is one element, but that is only part of it. American culture worships explorers - look at the fame of Lewis and Clark, for example. The American people want to think of themselves as supporting exploration.

Americans have a profound longing for heroes - now perhaps more than ever. We need our explorers, our sports icons, our Medal of Freedom winners, our Nobel laureates. We need our Greatest Generation warriors, our 'Sully' Sullenbergers, our Neil Armstrongs. On some level, we still subscribe to the myth of the man in the white hat.

Exploring is an innate part of being human. We're all explorers when we're born. Unfortunately, it seems to get drummed out of many of us as we get older, but it's there, I think, in all of us. And for me that moment of discovery is just so thrilling, on any level, that I think anybody that's experienced it is pretty quickly addicted to it.

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