The secret of life is honesty and fair dealing. If you can fake that, ...

The secret of life is honesty and fair dealing. If you can fake that, you've got it made.

Drake ain't fake.

Santa was a fake.

I hate fake people.

I can fake anything.

I can't fake emotion.

CNN is not fake news.

I'm not good at fake.

I'm never fake on air.

I'm not a fake person.

People can smell a fake.

I'm a fake intellectual.

I don't want to be fake.

I'm not fake in any way.

Fake it till you make it.

I don't like fake people.

I don't like fake people.

Fake it until you make it.

Sincerity? I can fake that.

I try not to fake anything.

All rock music is fake news.

I am myself a fabulous fake.

You can't fake authenticity.

Better is the enemy of good.

Don't believe the fake media.

You just can't fake chemistry.

All activism is fake activism.

Feminism in India is very fake.

Anything that consoles is fake.

Hippies are so phoney and fake.

Fake is as old as the Eden tree.

You can't really fake confidence.

We're Sex Pistols, we ain't fake.

A loud smile is often a fake laugh.

I wanted a fake wedding in Jamaica.

You can't fake listening. It shows.

The United States is a fake country.

50s cheesecake meets Eskimo fake fur.

I'm a real Knick fan, not a fake fan.

I hate the expression, 'I'm not fake.'

You can't fake being able to cook well.

You can't fake it. Bad writing is a gift.

Hollywood... Real diamonds, fake breasts.

Thank God for Redbull and fake eyelashes.

I don't take much pride in fake fighting.

Women fake orgasms and men fake finances.

A tennis racket makes a great fake guitar!

I believe most media is filtered and fake.

If you fake the funk, your nose will grow.

I pride myself on not being a fake person.

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