Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time ...

Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.

Iraq is falling apart.

The sky isn't falling.

Stumbling is not falling.

Everything is falling into place.

There's days where your shot's not falling.

You can't blame gravity for falling in love.

Police reform is working, and crime is falling.

I'm a firm believer in love and falling in love.

There is nothing wrong with falling for someone.

Success is falling nine times and getting up ten.

Is the sky falling? No. It's maybe drooping a bit.

I'm constantly falling deeper in love with my wife.

People die from typewriters falling on their heads.

One can find so many pains when the rain is falling.

I think falling in love is always a surprise, right?

He hit me 18 times while I was in the act of falling.

I went to Israel when the missiles were falling there.

When you're falling through space time has no meaning.

I didn't want to admit that I was falling into a cliche.

Life is about falling down, getting up, and moving ahead.

Falling in love as we know it is an addictive experience.

When you connect with a cause, it's like falling in love.

Gravitation is not responsible for people falling in love.

I didn't think I was doing anything bad by falling in love.

I like old people falling over, that's what makes me laugh.

A home is a home, and excess supply leads to prices falling.

I used to jog but the ice cubes kept falling out of my glass.

We never get enough of falling in love and believing in love.

Falling in love was the easy part; planning a wedding - yikes!

Harman had great brands, but the processes were falling apart.

If you worried about falling off the bike, you'd never get on.

I'm rediscovering Scotland; I'm falling in love with it again.

The best advice I can give you about falling is to never land.

I'm nearly 50. I'm past being photographed falling out of bars.

Just the notion of falling for someone, that involves weakness.

When I was four, I wrote a song about falling into a black hole.

Falling in front of an audience - that's, like, my biggest fear.

I'd rather be shot than be seen falling out of some trendy club.

A lot of books about marriage are about marriages falling apart.

It's OK to not be political unless your country is falling apart.

And Seaman, just like a falling oak, manages to change direction.

To be fond of dancing was a certain step towards falling in love.

Falling down became second nature and it really didn't bother me.

I ended up falling in love with the whole movie-making experience.

I'm a freewheeling flower-child falling down the stairs constantly.

You get over your first love by falling in love with something new.

Falling in love and having a relationship are two different things.

I have trouble falling asleep. I have trouble shutting my mind off.

Though written in the 1970s, 'Falling Angel' is firmly set in 1959.

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