I like fantasy.

Bond is fantasy.

I have a lot of fantasy.

I do like fantasy films.

Everyone needs a fantasy.

I loved fantasy role play.

I love sci-fi and fantasy.

I mean, I am my own fantasy.

I'm very into fantasy films.

I don't like sci-fi/fantasy.

Photography threatens fantasy.

As a kid, I loved any fantasy.

Privacy is a bourgeois fantasy.

It's my job, to create a fantasy.

I'm a total nerd. I love fantasy.

Hell is other people's fantasies.

Fashion is about having a fantasy.

Love and fantasy, go hand in hand.

You have to hold onto your fantasy.

Fantasy is literature for teenagers.

Most of my short stories are fantasy.

The dream of reason produces monsters

I've always loved sci-fi and fantasy.

I think of myself as a fantasy writer.

One man's fantasy is another man's job.

Fantasy isn't something you run out of.

I'm a science fiction and fantasy geek.

Take it, and turn to facts my fantasies.

I don't want to live in a fantasy world.

All fiction is autobiographical fantasy.

It's my sick fantasy to be a Cosmo cover.

Dogs are fantasies that don't disappoint.

Guess I've been reading too much fantasy.

Sometimes fantasies are better than life.

I'm a sci-fi guy. But I like fantasy too.

I love fantasy. I grew up reading fantasy.

A fantasy is a world where anyone fits in.

Keep away from fantasy. Shake off the image.

Every guy should have a fantasy sports team.

The heart grows brutal feeding on fantasies.

Theories are just fantasies. And they change.

Fantasy love is much better than Reality Love.

Reality can easily become the current fantasy.

I really am a manifestation of my own fantasy.

Scratch a fantasy and you'll find a nightmare.

Im a massive science fiction and fantasy geek.

Science Fiction has rivets, fantasy has trees.

A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies.

Fantasy hats give you the possibility to dream.

I'm a massive science fiction and fantasy geek.

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