I'm a geek - I read fantasy novels, I play 'World of Warcraft,' I'm a massive gamer, I have 'Star Trek' outfits.

Metal guys are huge nerds. A good percentage of them are either horror or sci-fi or comic book or fantasy nerds.

If you don’t define yourself for yourself then you will be crushed into other's fantasies of you and eaten alive

I did a 'Love Boat!' And based on my trip on the 'Love Boat,' I said, 'I'd just as soon not do 'Fantasy Island.'

It makes me realise that the fantasy of nature is much larger than my own fantasy. I still have things to learn.

All cartoon characters and fables must be exaggeration, caricatures. It is the very nature of fantasy and fable.

We love fantasy novels in which the characters think that they're peasants but turn out to be princes and kings.

I'm half living my life between reality and fantasy at all times. It's best not to ask questions and just enjoy.

I get mad when people call me an action movie star. Indiana Jones is an adventure film, a comic book, a fantasy.

ELANTRIS is a new BEN HUR for the fantasy genre, with a sweeping, epic storyline and closely personal characters.

I'm not an extraordinary worker, I'm an extraordinary daydreamer. I exceed all my fantasies-even that of writing.

We all have this fantasy of finding our one true love who's going to be the perfect fit. It's just not a reality.

I did a 'Love Boat!' And based on my trip on the 'Love Boat,' I said, 'I'd just as soon not do 'Fantasy Island.''

The problem with most genre fantasy is that it's not nearly fantastic enough. It's escapist, but it can't escape.

I sometimes sit and draw people on the bus, or some fantasy hybrid animal. You know, wherever the hand will lead.

New rule: every fantasy author who doesn't treat horses like tireless hairy motorcycles automatically gets a Hugo.

I think sometimes you have to imagine a fantasy world in which we are represented and visible the way we should be.

Horror, for me, has to involve some sort of fantasy. Horror is something that is in your dreams or your nightmares.

My only fantasy about writing was that in my old days, after directing many masterpieces, I would write my memoirs.

Most people think of Las Vegas, and they think of extravagance. But it's really a mix between fantasy and laziness.

Acting job can create a fantasy or stereotype for others. That's why we try not to show our personal lives so much.

In fantasy land, I wish I could be a pro golfer. I love golf - the most frustratingly brilliant game on the planet.

Consequences lost all purchase when they became mad. And desperation, when pressed beyond anguish, became narcotic.

We're getting used to reality and fantasy passing into each other. Much of the border between them has been erased.

Yes, if I wasn't a happily married man with three children, Emma Bunton would definitely be my hot-tub fantasy date.

The neurotic's strongest fantasy is that he has no fantasies. The real is very real to him, the unreal even more so.

My favorite water cooler topic is fantasy football. I used to make fun of friends for doing it and now I'm obsessed.

Heaven is on this earth. There are no angels on the clouds with twanging harps... That's just another man's fantasy.

When I was growing up, there were so many musicals you could watch. I like the fantasy of musicals and I love music.

Just when you think you should start accepting that you're becoming an adult, all your childhood fantasies come true.

The greatest challenge facing mankind is the challenge of distinguishing reality from fantasy, truth from propaganda.

I like fantasy. I like horror, science fiction because I can get avant-garde with those performances in those movies.

When I was growing up and wanted to be a musician, the fantasy that I had of what the music industry was is so wrong.

I honestly think anthropology is one of the most useful fields a fantasy writer can study, more so even than history.

My biggest fantasy as an actor is to be in situations that make me uncomfortable and force me out of my comfort zone.

I really love fantasy. I have to say it is my favourite genre to read and one of the genres I love the most to write.

The eye and fantasy feel more attracted by nebulous distance than by that which is close and distinct in front of us.

I was always a sci-fi and fantasy geek. I was in the 'Lord of the Rings' club and all my cool friends made fun of me.

I imagined my fantasy co-author would look like Miranda Kerr, but have the intellect and comedic timing of Liz Lemon.

Cambridge was a joy. Tediously. People reading books in a posh place. It was my fantasy. I loved it. I miss it still.

About half my designs are controlled fantasy, 15 percent are total madness and the rest are bread-and-butter designs.

My biggest fantasy was to have a pie thrown in my face, and I always said whoever did that, that's the guy I'd marry.

Romance novels satisfy a very specific fantasy of romantic love that seems to be a powerful part of the female psyche.

We compensate for what we don't do internally by projecting and allowing our minds to be marinated in chronic fantasy.

Horror is edgier. Dark fantasy feels mushier to me. Finding the difference - it's an instinct. And they overlap a lot.

I was the original Cinderella girl, looking for the happy ending in the fairy story. But my fantasy prince never came.

I still like to live in a whimsical world that seems more romantic and fantasy-related because real life seems so hard

Dreams are not without meaning wherever thay may come from-from fantasy, from the elements, or from other inspiration.

Yes - 90% of fantasy is crap. And so is 90% of science fiction and 90% of mystery fiction and 90% of literary fiction.

I watch '60 Minutes' and 'Dateline' and '20/20.' I work in fantasy all day, so when I go home I want to touch reality.

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