I will start out this evening with an assertion: fantasy is a place where it rains.

The Lord of the Rings movie set an entirely new standard for fantasy in the movies.

We don't create a fantasy world to escape reality. We create it to be able to stay.

I'm a designer, and I think if you work in fashion, you have to give people fantasy.

How dare the embodiment of her worst nightmare come packaged as her hottest fantasy?

Fantasy deals with the immeasurable while science-fiction deals with the measurable.

Science fiction is about what could be but isn't; fantasy is about what couldn't be.

The minute I forget to balance reality with the fantasy, I'm going back to Virginia.

Fantasy is only a state of mind that you can employ when existing in a real context.

I'm more of a fantasy kind of person. I like movies. My favorite movie is 'Kick Ass.'

I'm a huge sci-fi/fantasy/horror guy. I love anything in the sci-fi or fantasy genre.

Perhaps fate isn't blind after all. Perhaps it's capable of fantasy, even compassion.

There is magic in my universe, but it's pretty low magic compared to other fantasies.

The Magician's Land is a triumphant climax to the best fantasy trilogy of the decade.

I'm a big fan of superheroes and fantasy and sci-fi. I have been since I was a child.

When I was a kid, I read the science-fiction shelves, and I read the fantasy shelves.

I got into acting to avoid politics of any sort so I could remain in a fantasy world.

Don't share your fantasies unless you're sure your partner really wants to hear them.

Most people don't see the edginess in my work. They think it's all fantasy and whimsy.

I had a fantasy that i'd drift up to Scotland and spend my life as a faux bodhisattua.

Things have to be beautifully made, even if they are full of fun, fantasy and futility

The fantasy genre has so far rather embraced me, and I'm incredibly grateful for that.

When I read the 'Twilight' book, I didn't see it as fantasy. I saw it as a love story.

Publishers often push women in a subtle way to focus on fantasy and paranormal writing.

I always find myself pulled back into the fantasy genre, and I can't really explain it.

I think I'll give it up, the fantasy is over, I wanted to play Spiderman, Peter Parker.

There's a big overlap with the people you meet at the fantasy and science fiction cons.

I think it's very much a men's thing to be able to have that fantasy to kill the beast.

Building your own home is about desire, fantasy. But it's achievable; anyone can do it.

Truthfullness to life-both fantasy life and factual life-is the basis of all great art.

I guess housewives like to get away from reality and enjoy the fantasy world for a bit.

It’s better to succeed against daunting odds than settle for a fantasy and get nowhere.

That's what fantasies are for, to help us imagine that things are better than they are.

I'm very into science-fantasy, that kind of swordfights and magic and technology thing.

The question is always the same with a dragon: will he talk with you or will he eat you?

I have fantasies of burning down an insurance company just so THEY have to make a claim.

I think that the way of bringing realism into fantasy is to treat it as the commonplace.

I like 'Breaking Bad' and 'Game of Thrones.' I like that era. I like that fantasy world.

I consider lace to be one of the prettiest imitations ever made of the fantasy of nature

Fantasy is, of course, booming, and I think it's beginning to stretch its range as well.

Everyone in the '80s was reading Tolkien; he invented this whole medieval fantasy genre.

Acting is not about anything romantic, not even fantasy, although you do create fantasy.

All that political stuff Delano was doing. Me, I've gone off the top, into total fantasy.

I try to stay focused on my life and do try not to be brought into the Hollywood fantasy.

A love affair begins with a fantasy. For instance, that the beloved will always be there.

The gift of fantasy has meant more to me than my talent for absorbing positive knowledge.

I realized that everything I do is fantasy, whether it is an adult movie or a kids movie.

I aim to tell the truth about any subject, not a romance or fantasy, not avoid the truth.

Creating fantasy is a very personal thing, but you can't take the process too personally.

In visual futurism, the line between total fantasy and futuristic is a thread of reality.

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