Dragons and bridges are very much something out of fairy tales and fantasy.

... if you have nothing, you are free to choose among dreams and fantasies.

I was a big sci-fi fantasy geek when I was younger... secretly, in my room.

Reason respects the differences, and imagination the similitudes of things.

Any voices or fantasies, he lives with. Those are his everyday life things.

I love horror, fantasy and sci-fi. Those are my genres of love and devotion.

I am a fan of magic and fantasy, particularly when it's grounded in reality.

Science fiction and fantasy feels like it's been ascending in the zeitgeist.

Repentance is but a denying of our will, and an opposition of our fantasies.

Even if your fantasy comes true, that doesn't mean you should stop dreaming.

Most people cant' deal with reality, but indulge heavily in fantasy and fear.

Everyones greatest fantasy is to walk away from the life (they think)you lead

I have a dress-up chest at home. I love to create this fantasy kind of thing.

No fantasies, I don't think. Most of my fantasies have already been realized.

There isn't a way things should be. There's just what happens, and what we do.

This is the real magic of fantasy fiction: it can feed souls and change lives.

I was a huge fantasy geek growing up. I was the dungeon master in my D&D game.

From 'Trainspotting' to 'Acid House,' I moved from urban realism into fantasy.

I do have the tan done now and again. I go for something called a Fantasy Tan.

I live between fantasy and reality at all times. In that way, I’m a librarian.

I am determined and ready to be a commodity that fulfills everyone's fantasies.

I eat, sleep, and drink my character. It is my fantasy to go to another planet.

Any romantic feelings for a 12-year-old are like entering into a fantasy world.

Much of good science and perhaps all of great science has its roots in fantasy.

I think the more stressful our times get, the more we look for fantasy escapes.

Of the two, I would think of my work as closer to Science Fiction than Fantasy.

I do have a fantasy life in which I can grout bathrooms - but not for a living.

I don’t know anybody who doesn’t have a fantasy. Everybody must have a fantasy.

Modeling is about fantasy, getting people to buy into a lifestyle and a vision.

If you have enough fantasies, you're ready, in the event that something happens.

Steve was every woman's fantasy: macho but not a jerk, sensitive but not a wuss.

If one is lucky, a solitary fantasy can totally transform one million realities.

Pakistani feature films are all about catering to the male ego and male fantasy.

Fantasy is uni-age. You can start it in the creche, and it follows you to death.

I have a certain avoidance of reality that makes fantasy an ideal choice for me.

The thing about fantasy - there are certain things you just don't do in fantasy.

Never underestimate the power of the State to act out its own massive fantasies.

Our root fantasy is that "I" am real and that it's possible for "me" to be happy.

I can recapture everything when I write, my thoughts, my ideals and my fantasies.

My own fantasies of what life would be like at 24 tended to the more spectacular.

I'm the biggest geek of all. Adventure, fantasy, comic books - I can't get enough.

The idea of a film staying in theaters for a year is something of a fantasy today.

I've always felt that 'X-Men' was about something serious. It wasn't just fantasy.

Animation is incredibly difficult - much like doing a giant sweeping fantasy novel.

Fantasy is an 'F' word that hopefully the five second delay won't do anything with.

The industrial direction is sometimes too much. We should think more about fantasy.

There's a very fine line between one person's reality and another person's fantasy.

Narnia, Middle-earth and New York were my three fantasy universes when I was a kid.

Still more astonishing is that world of rigorous fantasy which we call mathematics.

It bothers me that people who should know better believe a glossy magazine fantasy.

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