The first movie I had a featured role in was Parting Glances.

I am honored to be the first international player featured on the cover of 'NBA 2K19.'

I know what it means to have a leading part, and I know what it means to have a featured part.

It feels good to be featured in a film poster. I didn't have it in the beginning of my career.

Without a conscious effort, all of my plays have all featured gay characters. I'm proud of that.

I would really love to work with major photographers who haven't featured plus-size models before.

If looks help, that's great, but we don't want it to be the featured thing. It's totally superficial.

I want to see different faces on the covers of magazines, the stars of movies, featured on billboards.

By the time I would have graduated, at 22, I was a writer and featured performer on Saturday Night Live.

I was the first Indian to be featured in the London edition of 'GQ' magazine and it was a six page story.

'Irma Voth' is my sixth book, but it's only the third time I've featured Mennonite settings and characters.

Certainly going back to Sherlock Holmes we have a tradition of forensic science featured in detective stories.

I didn't 'decide' to write YA, per se. But every time I thought of a story, it featured characters 15, 16, 17.

If Radiohead made a video where Thom Yorke was featured more than the other members, nobody would say anything.

When I got picked up by the Tapout crew and was featured on their reality show, that really jumpstarted my career.

The strength of 'The Gift' is that the people featured and their stories are given the space to speak for themselves.

I'm very passionate and believe that every time the LGBT community is featured in the media, people are learning about us.

'The Chosen,' if you recall, was based on the Chaim Potok novel and featured Robbie Benson's persuasive performance as a Hasidic Jew.

Though many of Obsidian's games have featured wry, sardonic humor, the developer has stuck to more serious fantasy and sci-fi themes.

As a woman of color and curve model, I never imagined when I started modeling that I would be featured in the pages of 'Sports Illustrated.'

From the late 19th to the early 20th century, the December issue of almost any general-interest magazine regularly featured a holiday horror or two.

When I look at a character, I never look at the size of the role. I always look at the whole person, no matter how much they're featured in the movie.

My wedding dress was featured by 'Vogue' and 'American Town and Country,' and from there, people started to come to us because they had seen that dress.

I got to the point where I'd featured on songs; I'd done backing singing for major artists. I'd done all these shows, but it was always for other people.

When I was seven and watched an episode of 'Beyond 2000' that featured a floating armchair, I thought we'd definitely have one of those by 15, at the latest.

I see far stronger and more charismatic personalities strolling around Philadelphia's neighborhoods than are being featured in most of today's bland daytime soaps.

Before me, Milkha Singhji was honored at Tussauds. But his statue did not have him in a turban, so I think I am the first turbaned Sardar to be featured at Tussauds.

'In Bruges' featured two hit men on a chatty stroll in Belgium, and certain people's passion for it is fit for Valentine's Day. But it was Tupperware Tarantino to me.

I got a call for 'Aaya Na Tu' the same day that Forbes featured me in their list of 30 under 30. That day, I knew I had established myself as more than just a singer.

While it may be difficult to get on the front cover of a major magazine, you can create marketing strategies and opportunities by being featured in a popular niche blog.

I fully believe that representation and inclusion matters... and that's why on all of our films, we've featured diverse casts, and that actually is true for 'Kubo' as well.

In Russia, writers with serious grievances are arrested, while in America they are merely featured on television talk shows, where all that is arrested is their development.

Women artists, no matter how well recognized they are, are seldom given solo exhibitions or featured in significant group shows. They are never top-ranked in auction choices.

I was in New York. I had been doing theater for many years, and then I got hired to a little part - they weren't calling it an extra, but I didn't have lines. It was a 'featured' part.

I'm very excited that my yelling will be featured on the next Evile disc; they're one of my favorite new-ish bands and, in my not-so-humble opinion, the British saviors of thrash metal.

I don't think it hurts to have rowing featured in a movie that's in the race for the best pictures. If it means someone might try the sport... then I'm really excited and happy about that.

Usually all lullabies are featured on a mother and child. But in 'Kalimannu,' it is picturised on a mother-to-be who is singing to her unborn child. I found the entire concept so beautiful.

I don't have any connection to Portuguese, but I listened to a lot of music in other languages because I was really into house music; there are all sorts of languages that are featured in house.

When you imagine the Koch brothers, it's hard not to think of the 1983 film 'Trading Places,' which featured as its villains a pair of brothers, commodity brokers named Randolph and Mortimer Duke.

My first two novels featured narrators who were aggressively unattached: They couldn't form any sort of genuine relationship. So I had thoroughly explored the geography of loneliness and isolation.

I came to NYU to study experimental theater. Shortly thereafter, I was featured in a 'Newsweek' article about the emerging downtown club scene, and, well, that was it for NYU. I was off and running.

Jessica Simpson is the youth ambassador for Operation Smile, and an episode of The Apprentice featured a team managing a charity concert she put on. Donald Trump came on stage and pledged a donation.

Music has always been an important part of the 'Final Fantasy' series. The popular role-playing games have typically featured catchy, eclectic soundtracks filled with beautiful orchestrated melodies.

One of the first major storylines that 'All My Children' featured was Erica Kane, a rebellious daughter, and her mother, sort of a matriarchal type, who was trying to guide her daughter to a safer place.

The popularity of '2 Dope Queens' just showed there was like a hunger for new stories because we have alternative comics on our show that wouldn't normally be featured on, like, a white guy's comedy show.

Drag has been featured in popular culture for decades. Movies like 'Kinky Boots,' 'Tootsie,' 'The Birdcage' - even 'Mrs. Doubtfire' - have showcased men, some gay, some not, who dress and perform as women.

So much of western self-perception and intellectual worldview has been shaped by the moral rhetoric of the Cold War, the discourse in which communism featured as a clear enemy, determined to rule the world.

A lot of people really didn't expect for me to have a record with Kendrick, but I proved them wrong. It's not easy to get Kendrick on a record, so it was a huge deal for me to have him featured on the song.

I'd like to one day be featured on a list of inspirational people who have made a difference in the world, whether it be helping underprivileged people or putting an end to the poaching of wildlife in Africa.

We used to be called the Dixie Chickens. Then we played at a barbecue place, and they had a sign saying, 'Featured Tonight: The Dixie Chickens,' and everybody started ordering it for dinner! So we shortened it.

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