Feeling better is not actually being better.

People take the feeling of full for granted.

I think we've all lost some kind of feeling.

I'm feeling generous today. You get to live.

My feelings about myself have been terrible.

All we sell is the Greatest feeling on Earth

Guilt always makes the other feelings worse.

One can never ask anyone to change a feeling.

i couldn't speak the language of his feelings

Feelings should be indicators, not dictators.

I love that feeling of inspiring other women.

I'm not afraid to write my feelings in songs.

I want more of this feeling - fire and wings.

Damn the rules, it's the feeling that counts.

Intense feeling too often obscures the truth.

Just hit my 75th birthday, I'm feeling great!

I have a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore.

Fear is a feeling that is stronger than love.

Ben Crenshaws, Ive got a good feeling speech.

Lead with action and let the feelings follow.

As an artist, I want to interpret my feelings

Performing is one of the best feelings I know!

All extremes of feeling are allied to madness.

Exercise is an incredible key to feeling well.

I never waste my energy feeling bad for myself

Which is better--feeling good or getting good?

Commitments, not feelings, hold life together.

The eye traffics in feelings, not in thoughts.

Events become feelings, feelings become events

Negative feelings choke the Lord’s word in us.

a few italics really do relieve your feelings.

Feeling unique is no indication of uniqueness.

People get careless when they're feeling safe.

Easy to exemplify my true feelings towards him

Selling is essentially a transfer of feelings.

Drawing is feeling. Color is an act of reason.

I just want to work hard. I love that feeling.

That old feeling is still in my leaking heart.

Give us being and feeling over having any day.

Pondering is, in my feeling, a form of prayer.

To feel. To trust the feeling. I long for that

Glamour is about feeling good in your own skin.

It was a strange feeling, like touching a void.

I was feeling as sick as the proverbial donkey.

I'm feeling great. I'm a star. That's about it.

There's no greater feeling than winning a race.

You need never fear feeling too good about God.

Fear of feeling bad rarely makes one feel good.

Selling is essentially transference of feeling.

Whatever you do, you should do it with feeling.

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