Sisterhood is important to me.

My privacy is very intentional.

I love that feeling of inspiring other women.

I'm from a big family. I've got 10 nieces and nephews.

Don't believe the things you tell yourself late at night.

All I ever wanted was to perform, make music, make videos.

I don't trust anybody in my life except my mother and my dogs.

I'm not one of those people who holds a grudge about anything.

It's the broken plans you have made that are the hardest to get over.

I've learned so much from my mistakes... I'm thinking of making some more.

I still am very street - I just have nicer clothes. I'm not ashamed of that.

Life provides many lessons, so pay attention, everything you learn is valuable.

Too much of anything can make you sick, even the good can be a curse - Cheryl Cole

I didn't know what I was in for when I joined 'The X Factor' - I underestimated it.

Team spirit spurs me on. I've always found it easier to be strong for other people than for myself.

If I could be good at any sport, it'd be javelin. I know a few people I would love to throw a spear at.

I'm a very hands-on person; I don't just want to give my name to something and not be a big part of it.

The Blood Type Diet has made such a difference - not so much to my shape, but to how I feel and my energy levels.

I'd love kids. I'm obsessed with babies. Of course I've thought about baby names. A million times. I like Alfie for a little boy.

Anybody that's been through a divorce, and I hope it's something people never have to experience, it's the worse thing in the world.

I'm like any other woman - my weight fluctuates. I have a pair of jeans one size bigger than the other just in case that week I'm a little bit heavier.

I couldn't see a future of doing anything other than performing. I didn't like school if I'm being honest. I would have settled for performing in any capacity.

I can act normally, and I can go out, but people around you don't act normally. If it was normal, I'd go out and have my dinner and nobody would be video-phoning me eating my dinner.

I don't think I'm a style icon, not at all. Sometimes I just want to rock out in me scruffs and me Uggs. You know, a really comfy old tracksuit with maybe a dollop of ketchup down the front.

I can't hurt any more than I've been hurt, I can't cry any more than I've cried. I've been to the highest of highs and lowest of lows, so one day I'm going to find my middle ground and be happy.

[Marriage] a bond for life, and whether you're gay or straight, it makes no difference to being married. What marriage stands for is that you love that person... You want to commit yourself to that person forever.

The reason I go for the designers is because they make me feel good. It's about finding clothes that make you feel good as a woman. If I like it, I'll wear it. You have to go with your instincts and not be led by trends.

Now everyday ain't gonna be no picnic Love ain't no walk in the park All you can do is make the best of it now Can't be afraid of the dark Just know that you're not in this thing alone There's always a place in me that you can call home.

I believe in soulmates, yes, but I believe you also have to work at love. I happen to believe your soulmate doesn't have to be your partner - your soulmate could be your best friend, your sibling, it doesn't have to be the person you marry.

Yes, definitely I do feel betrayed, but I've got to take everything that's happened and learn from it. I accept that that's a chapter of my life that's finished. And I've just got to be grateful that I've got so many good things going on. I have.

I love Prince Harry. Good looking and a bit of a rebel. Me and his dad are as thick as thieves and I knew Harry before I knew his dad so we've met a few times. I think he's amazing. And I think you can relate to him because he's made mistakes. He's cool.

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