The life of an unenlightened person is filled with suffering.

The belly has no ears nor is it to be filled with fair words.

Yes I'm still working, but my life's no longer filled with it.

People who are filled with hate don't know how to handle love.

When a nation is filled with strife, then do patriots flourish.

The mind is not a vessel to be filled but a fire to be kindled.

The photographer is filled with doubt. Nothing will soothe him.

The music business used to be filled with people who love music.

Suddenly I become filled with a consuming impatience to be gone.

Do you know that every unbeliever is filled with a demon spirit?

A fanboy's heart is filled with love, enthusiasm, and insecurity.

I think I am filled with excitement when it comes to doing films.

My adult life is filled with the things horror movies are made of.

State government is filled with dedicated, diligent professionals.

Eventually, most people felt MoMA had filled a very important gap.

I used to carry about with me a German map-case filled with poems.

I like bossy girls. I always have. I like people filled with life.

The superhighway of celebrity and showmanship is filled with debris.

We’ve been filled with great treasure for one purpose: to be spilled.

The world is filled with successful small businesses that stay small.

The world is like a little marsh filled with mint and white hawthorn.

I love samosas filled with mincemeat. My mum makes really great ones.

And a softness came from the starlight and filled me full to the bone.

All places are filled with fools. [Lat., Stultorum plenea sunt omnia.]

'Forrest Gump' is filled full of moments where your heart just cheers.

The road to success is filled with women pushing their husbands along.

The most beautiful thing in the world is a ballpark filled with people.

I'm at a time in my life where I'm so filled up that I don't want more.

My professional life in Hollywood has been filled with joy and laughter.

The early expression of my youth was filled with all the aspects of art.

Chicago is a world-class city filled with amazing people with big ideas.

My day is not that fun-filled or that filled usually with complications.

The time that I have on this earth should just be filled with good times.

My emotion is real, and my everyday life is filled with the same feeling.

Summer has filled her veins with light and her heart is washed with noon.

I don't want to be doing a show that's negative, that's filled with drama.

The Hamptons are filled with people who are winners Monday through Friday.

So much of 'Jaws' was amazing because the mind filled in what was missing.

The sea always filled her with longing, though for what she was never sure.

My family is filled with amazingly talented painters, musicians, vocalists.

Man's mind is not a container to be filled but rather a fire to be kindled.

Washington is filled with people making other people's arguments for money.

Every woman should be filled with shame by the thought that she is a woman.

Motherhood is filled with magical little moments that bring you immense joy.

When people are filled to the brim with love, they are their most beautiful.

Fear-filled words will defeat you, but faith-filled words will put you over!

There are holes in our lives that can never be filled - not really, not ever.

Washington, D.C. is a city filled with people who believe they are important.

My younger years were filled with fear; my todays are filled with confidence.

New York is perfect for Tanizaki because it's filled with so many dark spaces.

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