I just feel it's important to make sure that behind the scenes is as filled with diverse voices as in front of the scene is.

I have more than 100 legal pads filled with handwriting. Eight novels, two books for children, countless stories and essays.

The art of losing isn't hard to master; so many things seem filled with the intent to be lost that their loss is no disaster.

We're all trapped in the digital world. It's filled with cat videos, and you have to dodge comments about how much you stink.

The feeling of friendship is like that of being comfortably filled with roast beef; love, like being enlivened with champagne.

I have always been immersed in a world filled with words, earlier as a reader and now, finally, as both a reader and a writer.

Near my desk, I keep a large plastic carton filled with fresh notebooks and stationery of various kinds, sizes, and qualities.

The flute was an alternative to being a small fish in an increasingly bigger pool filled with a number of great guitar players.

The mind can be but full. It will be as much filled with a small disagreeable occurrence, having no other, as with a large one.

Undernourished, intelligence becomes like the bloated belly of a starving child: swollen, filled with nothing the body can use.

A human being is a vessel that God has built for himself and filled with his inspiration so that his works are perfected in it.

My younger years of modeling were really just filled with fun trips. I was doing catalogues for Alexander's and Bloomingdale's.

If you go back in American history, oysters were the food of poor people. New York was filled with oyster saloons in the 1800s.

If there were no schools to take the children away from home part of the time, the insane asylums would be filled with mothers.

Some people are filled by compassion and a desire to do good, and some simply don't think anything's going to make a difference.

I'm a huge Elizabeth Berg fan. Her novels are always charming, thoughtful, and filled with lively, three-dimensional characters.

The roll out of a new car is always filled with great anticipation; it's almost like going back to school for a new school year.

I have a zillion bottles of hot sauce. I love Trader Joe's jalapeno. The whole right side of my fridge is filled with hot sauce.

Congress, it turns out, is filled with Republicans and Democrats eager to act as enablers for the most repressive forces in Iran.

The human being is flesh and consciousness, body and soul; his heart is an abyss which can only be filled by that which is godly.

So the America I came to know growing up was filled with all the excitement and possibilities found in living the American dream.

My life has been filled with beautiful memories of my father. You often hear people talk about 'daddy's girl.' Well, that was me.

It is hard to rescue a man from the slough of luxury and idleness combined. If anything can do it, it is a cradle filled annually.

The rivers of America will run with blood filled to their banks before we will submit to them taking the Bible out of our schools.

By turning your eyes on God in meditation, your whole soul will be filled with God. Begin all your prayers in the presence of God.

We are cups, constantly and quietly being filled. The trick is, knowing how to tip ourselves over and let the beautiful stuff out.

When you express your gratitude, you will bring joy to others lives.When others know joy, your life will be filled with happiness.

Every natural object is a conductor of divinity and only by coming into contact with them... may we be filled with the Holy Ghost.

I never knew my father, which explains the Clint thing. He called himself Daddy... I loved it then, because it filled a great void.

One of the most overused phrases in political commentary is that someone is running a 'negative' campaign filled with 'attack' ads.

Love can isolate us from everything around us. But in its absence, we can be filled with the fear that something comparable exists.

This is a culture filled with perfect images of women and perfect images of movie actresses, and most people can't live up to them.

It astounds us to come upon other egoists, as though we alone had the right to be selfish, and to be filled with eagerness to live.

When our TV screens are filled with heartbreaking images of suffering, we have to dig deep inside ourselves in order to keep going.

It's been my policy to view the Internet not as an 'information highway', but as an electronic asylum filled with babbling loonies.

Students at universities are sometimes so filled with the doctrines of the world they begin to question the doctrines of the gospel.

I had gone from writing alone, not talking to anyone, to suddenly being in a room filled with not only people but actual celebrities.

Small businesses already struggle to compete with big businesses that enjoy the luxury of a tax code filled with corporate loopholes.

Often, the roles I'm offered in England are melancholic women who are filled with regret for the past, regret for their fading beauty.

The agricultural fields throughout the Southwest, those jobs needed to be filled, and who were the ones to do it? It was the Mexicans.

A tragedy need not have blood and death; it's enough that it all be filled with that majestic sadness that is the pleasure of tragedy.

The stars, that nature hung in heaven, and filled their lamps with everlasting oil, give due light to the misled and lonely traveller.

I've heard stories about authors filled with this kind of Lotto-winner hubris. I'm a Dutch boy from the Midwest. We don't have hubris.

I've read short stories that are as dense as a 19th century novel and novels that really are short stories filled with a lot of helium.

If you engage with the police, filled with fear, you're more likely to make really bad decisions that than provoke them to take action.

Look at everything as though you were seeing it for the first time or the last time. Then your time on earth will be filled with glory.

Half of the hospital beds in sub-Saharan Africa are filled with people suffering from what are generally known as water-related diseases.

We acknowledge we are a blessed nation with a rich history of faith and fortitude, with a future that is filled with promise and purpose.

I grew up on the West Coast during the '80s. But I wasn't a 'valley girl,' since I grew up in Norwalk, which was filled with Latina girls.

I live in a neighborhood that's really filled with sound - there's a lot of Jamaican auto body shops, and the guys next door play hip hop.

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