I do enjoy doing both film and television.

Women in Film and Television is such an important body.

I wanted to be a film and television writer and producer.

I started in theatre, and that took me into film and television.

I'd love to do just straight theatre. I'd love to do film and television, too.

I've been doing a lot of music for films and television for quite a few years.

Thank God for theater and film and television and my very, very, very lucky life.

It's hard to have a film and television career and do music work at the same time.

In film and television we are oftentimes so pampered that the truths are withheld.

In film and television we are oftentimes so pampered that the truths are withheld.

There's no bigger rush than working as a huge team on a set in film and television.

The theater is a tough place. It's not cushioned the way it is in film and television.

What you do in film and television is really different than what you do in video games.

I am a trained actor and an alumnus of the Film and Television Institute of India (FTII).

I think it'd be cool to be in film and television, but I never thought that would happen.

The hardest part is the nature of working in film and television; the hours are very tough.

Only a niche section of parents allow their children to take up courses on film and television.

The money is better in films and television. But in terms of acting, theatre is more rewarding.

I think film and television are really a director's medium, whereas theatre is the actor's medium.

I'm here in Hollywood to do film and television and make enough money to get my kids through college.

The desire to hear a story, and a story well told, triumphs over Internet, film and television sometimes.

Obviously I love working in film and television, but I started in theater and I'd love to be on Broadway.

I do miss sometimes being onstage, because when I do film and television, it's usually so brief and funny.

CAA has a great history of representing fantastic talent, many of whom are my heroes in film and television.

In musical theater you have to be very big and very animated, while film and television are more toned down.

It is possible to work out of New York on film and television and still not lose your connection to theater.

I moved to LA and decided to do films and television, mainly because the theater in New York is totally dead.

Film and television essentially feel the same when you're doing it, because it's the same technical approach.

When I was 24, I went back to the academic life and did a degree in film and television at Brunel University.

I've taken the experiences that I've had in the theatre and applied them to film and television and now games.

Broadway was always sort of my trajectory before I found film and television - that would be really tremendous.

Sometimes in film and television, I don't have the opportunity to play roles that really stretch and challenge me.

Film and television was so strange to me because I didn't grow up in the business, I didn't know anything about it.

There are so many people in film and television that get between a performer and the audience, and that's frustrating.

Cultures and races are mixing in a very organic way in the world, and that should be reflected in film and television.

Doing film and television demands a kind of simplicity. If you think something differently, the camera will pick it up.

I actually came out of drama school and went into two years of working in film and television, which was a happy accident.

I really wanted to work in the American industry because it's the leading industry. It's where film and television started.

The great thing about doing a play is you get this rehearsal period, which you don't get with most film and television roles.

In terms of acting, we go through phases of being really inspired by film and television and actors and works that we've read.

I plan on continuing to explore all the possibilities of technology, and then finally film and television and movies. Embrace it.

I want authenticity. And rarely do actors - more specifically, black actors - get a chance to be authentic on film and television.

Jerry Bruckheimer really is an executive producer, who obviously is the most successful producer in the history of film and television.

Naseer Sir taught me while I was a student at the Film and Television Institute of India. Anything I know about acting is thanks to him.

I came from the theater playing leading roles, and when I started doing film and television, I felt as if I had to start from the bottom.

After finishing my study in Film and Television Institute of India (FTII), I was mentally prepared for the struggle in the film industry.

A lot of my work, the subject is film and television itself, and history, and how that kind of coincides with larger cultural history and memory.

I've been lucky enough to do theatre, film, and television for a career. Unless I get offered a job as an astronaut, I won't stray too far from it.

I've always been an actor who works in every medium - I've worked in theater and film and television - I've never seen any difference between the three.

My life is one that I've aimed for - I've always wanted to be an actor who worked in film and television and was able to provide for himself and his family.

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