Finding God in All Things.

I believe in finding a soulmate.

Finding beauty in the dissonance.

Finding love requires perseverance.

Finding a solution is the way to go.

Wisdom is finding joy in bewilderment

I regret not finding Osama Bin Laden.

Fear is finding fault with the future.

Islam is about finding your own space.

I'm finding my way, and I make mistakes.

Finding is reserved for those who reach.

Finding patterns is the essence of wisdom

Make finding the good in others a priority

I'm very open to dating and finding a guy.

I's all about finding balance in your life.

My principal focus is finding great dramas.

Discovery begins by finding the discoverer.

Its all about finding the calm in the chaos.

Finding clothes in the South was impossible.

Love is nothing other than finding the truth.

Finding the right subject is the hardest part.

Im working on just finding a boyfriend right now.

Creativeness is finding patterns where none exist.

Finding peace within, to find peace all throughout

Inspiration is finding something that excites you.

Traditional science is all about finding shortcuts.

The finding of God is the coming to one's own self.

Looking for work sounds almost as bad as finding it.

People are forever finding something wrong with you.

When people are finding meaning in things -- beware.

Those who seek the truth run the risk of finding it.

I love finding EPs for bands that you just discover.

Finding the funny is the key to never losing your edge

Forgiveness is the finding again of a lost possession.

Finding a balance, that's what we're all trying to do.

We all flee in hope of finding some ground of security

What made something precious? Losing it and finding it.

You know, I have a really tough time finding new bands.

Artists are better at finding a way to kill their time.

Searching for happiness prevents us from ever finding it.

It's not about finding a home so much as finding yourself

I don't fail. I succeed at finding out what doesn't work.

It's a bit like a fledgeling duck, finding your flippers.

I suppose, writing a play is finding out what the play is.

Complaining is finding faults, wisdom is finding solutions

I love working with the singers. I love just finding them.

The Indians are finding the gaps like a pin in a haystack.

Finding a good cause is incredibly hard and time-consuming.

Creativity exists more in the searching than in the finding.

Finding your life less than perfect is a waste of your time.

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