I speak fluent Kosovan.

I don't speak fluent bumpkin.

I'm so Filipino. I'm fluent in Filipino.

Most of my family speaks fluent Malayalam.

I don't speak fluent Spanish. I took it in college.

I have grown up in Chennai, so I speak Tamil fluent.

We need a president who's fluent in at least one language.

The more you paint the more fluent you are with your brush.

I could never learn to be totally fluent in any other language.

A fluent trumpeter with a bright tone and a forward-looking style.

I was born in Eastern Europe, in Latvia, and I'm fluent in Russian.

I am fluent in Spanish and I understand French, Italian and Portuguese.

I must say I'm not 100% fluent in Sign Language, but I am working on it!

I like to travel, and I would love to be fluent in at least four languages.

I wish I could fly. Or speak fluent Chinese. Both I think are equally impossible.

Visual art is a foreign language I'm fluent at, but my native language is language.

I speak fluent Spanish. I also speak Italian and I was once pretty decent at German.

A fluent tongue is the only thing a mother don't like her daughter to resemble her in.

I am quite fluent in Odiya. I understand the people of Odisha, and they understand me.

To the Tamil media, I have mostly interacted in English since I am not fluent in Tamil.

My grandfather spoke fluent Spanish and I have family members who speak fluent Spanish.

The most fluent talkers or most plausible reasoners are not always the justest thinkers.

I speak fluent Hebrew and even dream in Hebrew when we visit there, once or twice a year.

I actually speak fluent German. And I live in Vienna, and I'm married to a Viennese woman.

Over 90 percent of parents in Puerto Rico want their children to be totally fluent in English.

Our business in living is to become fluent with the life we are living, and art can help this.

Although I'm not fluent in sign language by a long way, I could have a fairly decent conversation.

If I were really fluent and born into the English language, I would probably become a greater writer.

After sessions, I keep working and practising with the left foot. Hopefully one day, it'll just be fluent.

John K. Samson is fluent in the inexpressible. Find him on the page or find him in the ether-just find him

You can research until you're falling asleep, but that still doesn't mean you're really fluent in the material.

True, I was born and raised in Chennai, fluent in Tamil, but essentially, I am a Telugu guy and a Telugu actor.

I learned my French through school. I was lucky in that the tutor on 'The Wonder Years' set spoke fluent French.

I unfortunately don't speak French, but my wife is now fluent in English, which really reflects rather badly on me.

I don't want to mess with my face. So I'm becoming fluent in French so I can go to France and make French films when I'm 60.

I'd love to go to art school. I'd love to learn how to draw. I'd love to be fluent in Spanish. I'd like to be a brain surgeon.

When I was 14, I came to school in London. I remember it was very cold, but also having to adjust and become fluent in English.

My father's really fluent in French, but I can't speak at all. I actually took it twice in school already and failed both times!

Given a chance, I would love to host a television show as I have good communication skills and am fluent in Hindi, English and Urdu.

I actually speak fluent English and Spanish and... I dabble in a couple of languages, but I'm not fluent in German, Russian and Arabic.

I don't really own anything. It makes me more fluent, er, fluid. More fluent, too, because I've learned a lot of languages by traveling around.

A college degree was very important for them; it wasn't for me. So I picked English because I'm fluent. I thought it would be the easiest to do.

I am just like 99% of my friends in France, who say on their resume they can speak fluent English. In reality, they can't even count up to three.

John Hartson, he speaks fluent Welsh and has the tattoos all over him to prove his Welshness. But in my own world, no one is more Welsh than myself.

I knew Saleh well, having interviewed and met with him several times. He was a professional Machiavelli, fluent in all forms for political maneuvering.

We're always trying to evolve and find more efficient ways, more fluent ways to evaluate our players, evaluate our opponent and evaluate our prospects.

One of the stranger things about me is that I was raised as an Orthodox Jew. I went to a yeshiva until I was thirteen years old and spoke fluent Hebrew.

I might be more fluent in Swedish than I am in Spanish. My wife speaks it to our kids, and they're fluent so I hear it all the time, so I've got that under my belt.

Learning how to have 'healthy' attachments sounds easy, but in fact, for someone like me who had damaged early relationships, it's like learning to be fluent in Chinese.

I am Chinese. I speak fluent Mandarin. And I go, 'Man, it's about time a Chinese person could step up to a Hollywood screen, and international screen, and help save the world.'

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