I have big, big stage fright.

I definitely get stage fright.

Stage fright is my worst problem.

I have stage fright really badly.

What is fright by night is curiosity by day.

I have never known stage-fright at any time.

I suffer a lot with nerves and stage fright.

People die of fright and live of confidence.

A little bit of stage fright, then I'm ready.

To begin with, I don't have any stage fright.

I was very nervous as a child and had stage fright.

It's about focusing on the fight and not the fright.

I've started to get more stage fright the older I get.

Wanting to do it was much more powerful than the fright.

I've never suffered stage fright. That fascinates people.

What are you?" I rasped. It smiled. "Whatever scares you.

I'm not a natural performer: I have a natural stage fright.

I have been nervous before, but I have never had stage fright.

I can't remember that I ever had just a minute of stage fright.

Stage fright is a real thing. It's debilitating to some people.

The only good government... Is a bad one in a hell of a fright.

Intelligence is predatory, but full of fastidiousness and frights.

To be happy is to be able to become aware of oneself without fright.

I started out doing my mother's nightclub act, and I had stage fright.

I've never really been one to get what they call stage fright so much.

Auditions make me nervous; any time I have to perform, I get stage fright.

I get stage fright and gremlins in my head saying: 'You're going to forget your lines'.

I can't remember if I had any stage fright at the first Bowl. But I did the second time.

The truth is, I hate to perform. I get such bad stage fright, it makes me physically ill.

So many horses get stage fright when they enter the arena, and that's it - the performance is over.

At first, I had such stage fright, and it was always comforting to look over and see my big brother.

I've always loved acting but never thought I could do theatre because I got the worst stage fright ever.

I don't have stage or camera fright but there is a little anxiety while performing in-front of a lot of people.

Ever since I was a kid, I loved being up in front of people. I loved making people laugh; I never had any stage fright.

Every audience has its character; I like America - they love me. I suffer from stage fright, but in America not so much.

Oddly enough, I have really bad stage fright - getting up in front of people. And I made a living going on live television.

Actually, I failed drama in high school because of nerves. I wasn't able to memorize the words. I had complete stage fright.

If you have stage fright, it never goes away. But then I wonder: is the key to that magical performance because of the fear?

Live performance is everything. First of all, I have terrible stage fright. But beyond that, once the music starts, it's OK.

I get stage fright really bad sometimes, so touring has been hard on me in a lot of ways. But despite that, I love performing.

I have stage fright every single concert I've ever done. I have at least four or five minutes of it. It's absolute living hell.

Yeah... I was a singer as a kid. I had a lot of stage fright, and what's happened with 'Idol,' it has got me past so much of that.

It's interesting - years ago, I had such bad stage fright during musical theater auditions that I just gave up. And now I'm on Broadway.

I was on 'Strictly' because I was getting stage fright. I was taught that I had to imagine what a good outcome would be and be happy with it.

I have had a very difficult time with stage fright; it undermines your well-being and peace of mind, and it can also threaten your livelihood.

That religious earnestness forever tends toward fright and hence towards brittleness and inquisition is clear enough in mythology and history.

In my opinion, the only way to conquer stage fright is to get up on stage and play. Every time you play another show, it gets better and better.

Fright never injures anyone. What injures the spirit is having someone always on your back, beating you, telling you what to do and what not to do

I feel the audience are friends that have come to see us. That was always how we look on it in the Carter Family. I've never suffered stage fright.

If you're making a horror film, it's very important that you have lots of quiet, suspensey, don't-know-what's-happening stuff before you get the big fright.

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