I take full responsibility for what happened at Enron. But saying that, I know in my mind that I did nothing criminal.

I worked full time jobs, basically doing manual labor until I could make enough money supporting myself as a musician.

We are all full of weakness and errors; let us mutually pardon each other our follies - it is the first law of nature.

Empowering women and girls is the only way to protect their rights and make sure they can realise their full potential.

I think everything in life comes in threes: heartbreak and all that. You've got to do the full round in order to learn.

When it comes down to music, I have no balance. I am 100 percent. It is like full throttle. Five hundred miles an hour.

I value my garden more for being full of blackbirds than of cherries, and very frankly give them fruit for their songs.

Love recognizes no barriers. It jumps hurdles, leaps fences, penetrates walls to arrive at its destination full of hope.

Racing is full of 'what-ifs.' Like anything else in life, you learn from your mistakes and move on to the next challenge.

Summer ends, and Autumn comes, and he who would have it otherwise would have high tide always and a full moon every night.

I think I always have many ideas for books in my head. It's like a forest full of mushrooms. Some are big, some are small.

I just listen to my body. If I get too full, OK, I'm done. If I feel like, man, I've got to eat. I just listen to my body.

It's only through Christ that we can take full advantage of God's mercy and forgiveness through repentance in Jesus' name.

The goal of spiritual practice is full recovery, and the only thing you need to recover from is a fractured sense of self.

Life is always full of challenges. I believe you're never happy unless you're consistently making challenges for yourself.

To grasp the full significance of life is the actor's duty; to interpret it his problem; and to express it his dedication.

I love living in Birmingham, it's just a lovely gentle life, and it's calm. And it's full of Brummies who I find hilarious.

'Walking Dead' has done great on Netflix, but to pay for the full output deal just to get 'Walking Dead' didn't make sense.

I think the most satisfying part about filmmaking is seeing a production in full bloom. When I write, I write in isolation.

Krakow is one of my favorite places on earth. It is a medieval city full of young people. A wonderful, striking combination.

I hate the Internet. It's full of rubbish. I'm on it all the time, watching terrible, useless things and ossifying my brain.

At night, when the sky is full of stars and the sea is still you get the wonderful sensation that you are floating in space.

I'm happy to be reminded that an ordinary day full of nothing but nothingness can make you feel like you've won the lottery.

To grasp the full significance of life is the actor's duty, to interpret it is his problem, and to express it his dedication.

The Internet is full of choices, and nobody is going to make the choice to use a product that is hard to use or unattractive.

In America the young are always ready to give to those who are older than themselves the full benefits of their inexperience.

Never say never. When love happens, it just happens. The industry is full of nice people, and there are no rights and wrongs.

Nothing more completely baffles one who is full of trick and duplicity, than straightforward and simple integrity in another.

Men are but children of a larger growth, Our appetites as apt to change as theirs, And full as craving too, and full as vain.

Anita Roddick was amazing. Her presence in a room was full of light, and everything she worked to achieve still resonates now.

When you eat foods high in fiber, you feel full faster, making you less likely to overeat and more likely to have weight loss.

My mother cooked like a scientist. She had a giant Chinese-style cleaver that she chopped with, and a cupboard full of spices.

Every man who possibly can should force himself to a holiday of a full month in a year, whether he feels like taking it or not.

Performance art is about joy, about making something that's so full of kind of a wild joy that you really can't put into words.

When you're doing a character, you want to know the full landscape. You want to know them spiritually, mentally and physically.

If you want to use a cliche you must take full responsibility for it yourself and not try to fob it off on anon., or on society.

Most of the times, I am on a strict diet for my characters, but once in a while, I love indulging in a bucket full of ice cream.

Real success is being totally indulgent about your own trip. You put your blinders on about the garbage and go full speed ahead.

The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.

I live a very nice life. I have a wonderful time. But it's not lived drawing on a full level. I'm relaxed, cool, and enjoying it.

When I am in the company of scientists, I feel like a shabby curate who has strayed by mistake into a drawing room full of dukes.

It is better for you to be free of fear lying upon a pallet, than to have a golden couch and a rich table and be full of trouble.

Life is hard, but there are moments, sometimes hours - and, if you're really lucky, full days - where everything feels just right.

When I find myself in the company of scientists, I feel like a shabby curate who has strayed by mistake into a room full of dukes.

Government leaders need to ask themselves if they are positioning their country to reap the full potential of the digital economy.

There is power in helping people get excited about what they do and inspiring and motivating them to unleash their full potential.

Looks aren't everything, obviously, but there really is something to putting on a full face of makeup and really feeling the glam!

Every 10 years you're a different person, and the really great books evolve with you as you get older. They're full of new rewards.

Jensen Ackles has everything I want. He's in great shape. He's got a full head of hair. He's got a square jawline. He's a big star!

The world is full of strange phenomena that cannot be explained by the laws of logic or science. Dennis Rodman is only one example.

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