Caffeine. The gateway drug.

Sex is the gateway to life.

People confuse me with Gateway.

Learning is the gateway to adventure.

'Twin Peaks' was my gateway for David Lynch.

Both Gateway and I are products of Sioux City.

Motley Crue was actually my gateway to heavy metal.

I think religion is a gateway for spiritual awakening.

Television? It's a gateway to writer's block, isn't it?

Humility is the gateway into the grace and the favor of God.

We want a Gateway to be the last computer our clients will ever buy.

The immigration issue is a gateway issue for Hispanics, no doubt about it.

Immigration is a gateway basically. It's a check-off point for Latino voters.

Learning networking basics is only a gateway to career growth and exploration.

We never put any limitations on what Gateway could be. We had big dreams, big goals.

Hopefully, kids realize you can do anything you want. Skateboarding can be that gateway.

My life choices are not supposed to be the gateway to somebody else's. That's my journey.

Getting access to diverse civilizations should be easy, and languages are the gateway to that.

Federal government has been a gateway to the middle class for people of color for generations.

Fear doesn't enter into my vocabulary. Fear is the gateway to the next step in my development.

Explanation separates us from astonishment, which is the only gateway to the incomprehensible.

We became a really good gateway band for all the kids that went on to love My Chem or Fall Out Boy.

My wife and I have been passionate about education being a gateway for upward mobility and equality.

As with the Pacific Gateway, Canadians were similarly hoodwinked by the Immigrant Investor Program (IIP).

Attention is what steers your perceptions; it's what controls your reality. It's the gateway to the mind.

I mean, you don't get a chance to buy a company like Gateway, you know, at or near book value very often.

Math proficiency is the gateway to a number of incredible careers that students may never have considered.

I see Baccarat in major gateway cities like Paris, Tokyo, Shanghai and Hong Kong and exotic resort locations.

Music has always been and will always be a strong gateway to connect with consumers in an emotional hot state.

The U.S. needs to control the Middle East, the gateway to Asia. It already has military installations in Uzbekistan.

Rocky Horror Picture Show' was my gateway drag/drug. I was somewhere between 13 and 16 when I started going to that.

Pell Grants aren't 'welfare,' they are a gateway to opportunity for some of our nation's best and brightest students.

I think that what I'd like to instil is that if you join the youth theatre, it's a gateway into greater career prospects.

Singapore is a natural gateway for international firms looking to access Asia and for Asian businesses to access the world.

The Gateway to Christianity is not through an intricate labyrinth of dogma, but by a simple belief in the person of Christ.

From compassion springs humility. The ego is verily a gateway to hell. The person who is egoistic is far from being religious.

I do use social media as a gateway into my personal life, but only to a certain extent. When I don't want to, I pull the blinds down.

I love Gateway, and I'm going to do everything in my power to make sure the company can grow and prosper in this challenging environment.

We are different from many African countries. We represent Africa as the gateway and will do everything to make African and Israeli relations mushroom.

London, a city where creativity and innovation have always flourished, provides a significant home for Starbucks and a significant gateway into Europe.

The big advancement in our BCM7445 home gateway chip is that it uses the next-generation compression technology called HEVC - High-Efficiency Video Coding.

Being the gateway to a large city, St. Louis, I had felt from the very beginning that somehow this building should symbolize this sense of being a gateway.

Whatever a person's politics, lawyers have to understand that we are, for most people, the gateway for them to have access to the third branch of government.

Univision's close-to-50-year relationship with Hispanics makes us one of the leading media brands in this country and the gateway to connect with this consumer.

Modeling was a great opportunity to travel, to make some money in high school and it was the gateway to prepare me for getting comfortable in front of the camera.

We've got tremendous equity in cow spots and in the name Gateway, so this isn't anything radical, but you'll see us getting more sophisticated in our marketing efforts.

Everyone just has different things in their life they want to do. I wanted to clean up my bucket list, explore the world. Rap was our gateway into anything we wanted to do.

Standing with a united India is Canada's gateway to unprecedented human and economic development and an essential alliance for Canada to strengthen in the face of shared threats.

I've been a comics fan since my first hit of those gateway drawings: Judy, Asterix, and the TV cartoon 'Spider-Man and his Amazing Friend' - which naturally led me to Spider-Man comics.

I have thought about it a great deal, and the more I think, the more certain I am that obedience is the gateway through which knowledge, yes, and love, too, enter the mind of the child.

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