There is no 'generic' Latina.

It's kind of too generic, a male lead.

I'd never wear something that's too generic.

I'm convinced people are bored of generic travel

As a child, I was always playing some generic child.

Standup is full of young white guys with generic life experiences.

I don't want to rap about my car. How generic is that? Be creative.

I know I'm different and I don't fit in to any kind of generic mould.

My books are not generic. You know when you're reading a Joy Fielding book.

It's very hard for me to write a generic song that could be sung by anybody.

I know I was a generic dysfunctional child, but I think a lot of people are.

The cliches are that it's the most generic Starsky and Hutch plot you can find.

The days of just being a generic, punch-and-kick wrestler are pretty much over.

People are starting to understand: all generic companies aren't created equally.

We dwell amid pinheaded weasels who know only timid, the generic and the abacus.

I am deeply troubled by Mylan's misclassification of the EpiPen as a generic drug.

Universe is just a verse of me, I keep it generic and the niggas take it personally.

I never claimed to be a generic artist, period. I never wanted to be a generic artist.

The generic Canadian style of illustration is different from the generic American style.

Movies in general are more generic. If something sells just make more. That's Hollywood.

People are getting force-fed commercial, generic records that are just safe, safe, safe.

If you do generic things, you know, after a while, brands or designers become stagnated.

We like the challenge of a story around the most generic, forgettable man in the universe.

I think there's something great and generic about goldfish. They're everybody's first pet.

Vivian Abenshushan and Veronica Gerber write brilliant books that defy generic conventions.

I just want to creatively grow and be inspired. I don't want to do anything generic or dumb.

The value that the generic drug industry brings to the U.S. healthcare system is indisputable.

I know this sounds generic, but I'm so happy to be home with my husband, my family, and my dog.

We're all used to seeing a lot of cop shows, some of them brilliant, some of them very generic.

There are always generic terms like 'Americana', but there are no boundaries as to where it can go.

I'm just trying to avoid any sort of generic kind of music - I don't want to do generic jazz or fusion.

I understand what I look like, and I understand the strengths I have, which is basic, generic white guy.

Beauty is not generic. Quite often, the thing that makes you memorable is the thing that makes you different.

We're a unique band, so why have a generic producer lumping you in a box with other bands that sound the same?

Moralistic is not moral. And as for truth - well, it's like brown - it's not in the spectrum. Truth is so generic.

What I don't like is constructing a book that fits in with any kind of generic template, whether it's fiction or nonfiction.

Most of the bad taste I've been accused of has been generic bad taste; it's been making fun of an idea as opposed to a person.

I was in the supermarket the other day, and I met a lady in the aisle where they keep the generic brands. Her name was 'woman.

EpiPen is not unique. It falls into a category of old drugs, many of which should have long been subject to generic competition.

Comedy is really not like any other art form in that it's very specialized and varied in it's content, but generic in it's title.

I didn't want to come up with some generic Johnny Bravo type name. I'm not that cool, so I might as well stick with my birth name.

I love Italian food but that's too generic a term for what's available now: you have to narrow it down to Tuscan, Sicilian, and so on.

Stationery gets me excited because it has an individual character, unlike computers, which may be convenient but are generic and bland.

The regulatory approach of the Food and Drug Administration and the Patent and Trademark Office has driven up the costs of generic drugs.

If anything, 'Fifty Shades of Grey' is a generic romance cynically engineered to appeal to the lowest common denominator of female fantasy.

We should look for ways to expedite generic drug approvals, particularly for products that have a long history of being safe and effective.

My father was a physicist, while I am a biogeochemist. I live to study plants, and he has never had more than a generic interest in biology.

Turning a zombie pandemic into a generic disaster movie robs the zombies of their dirty, nasty edginess and robs the disaster of its epic scope.

I'm still figuring out why people would want to look at me. Maybe it's generic beauty, but it's weird to be valued for something I was born with.

In general, I feel so much of pop culture is set in the generic big city, particularly comics. I feel like there are so many other stories to tell.

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