I always have a giggle.

Being on tour is a giggle.

A solid giggle should do the trick.

It actually giggles at you as it goes by.

It still makes me giggle that I'm paid to act.

It's just certain people that I get the giggles with.

NASA sends probe to Uranus, people everywhere giggle.

I giggle when I put myself down. It's just funny to me.

[David Boreanaz]'s got a very, very cute little giggle.

I don't take me seriously. If we get some giggles, I don't mind.

My problem on 'Safe' was that when I liked something, I would giggle.

He was distracted by a giggle, and turned to see a rare sight: a girl.

I just find little things in life funny, it's why I giggle during my shows.

You never approach any prof or semi-professional sport as a hit and giggle.

I still giggle when someone asks for my address and I say, 'Hollywood, Los Angeles.'

I do not giggle without purpose. Lady Linette says you should never misapply a giggle.

I was a tomboy and any time anyone says something about me being hot, it makes me giggle.

I liked playing Morph in Mash and Peas and doing Phil Daniels in the Blur Rock Profile was a giggle too.

If somebody wants to think of me as a movie star, that's fine, that's great. It sort of makes me giggle.

It's a good giggle to look back at yourself in your 20s. You thought you were so fierce and fabulous, and it's just embarrassing.

I always danced with my father in the living room. He did lifts with me, and he would twirl me around, and we'd laugh and giggle.

I guess I'm just not the film femme fatale type. I giggle too much. I have freckles and a turned-up nose, and I walk like an athlete.

Sometimes you just get giggles leprosy and it can't be helped. I find that there's a direct correlation between fatigue and breaking.

I don't laugh at me. I used to. I used to get the giggles when I'd see myself. But now, I see myself onscreen, and I sure don't laugh.

I hope to continue to support, to inspire, to motivate, to encourage... in the hopes that maybe the world can get a little bit more giggle.

It takes intelligence to make real comedy, and it takes a reality base to create all that little stuff I like to do that makes you giggle inside.

What is important is the reliability of my posts being there to greet my fans with a smile or a giggle every morning. That's how we keep on growing.

Jackpot, Max! Jackpot!" It was Fang and he was giggling hysterically. For those of you just joining us, Fang doesn't giggle, esspecially hysterically.

When I look back at some of the Chicks stuff, it's the early stuff we did where we kind of giggle and go, 'You know what? Those were the good old days.'

I was brought up by very witty people who were dealing with quite difficult things: disease and death... I was brought up by people who tended to giggle at funerals.

I love to dress up. You have to have a sense of fun in life, too. We can all be serious and work and do our bit, but every now and again you have to have a good giggle.

I like reading Ball Tongue lyrics and all that stuff. And they published a book, and I wouldn't give my lyrics, and it's all wrong in the book, and I giggle. It's funny.

When I had my first experiences of choral singing, the dissonance of those close harmonies was so exquisite that I would giggle or I would tear up, and I felt it in a physical way.

I'm training to become a giggle doctor. It's a kind of hospital clown who changes the atmosphere on the ward and helps recovery. It's about making patients laugh but also much more.

Perfect happiness is a beautiful sunset, the giggle of a grandchild, the first snowfall. It's the little things that make happy moments, not the grand events. Joy comes in sips, not gulps.

A child's giggle tickles me deeply, and it breaks my heart when that begins to disappear. So I do what I can to create opportunities for children to continue to laugh and rediscover their joy.

I don't want my writing to be work to read. My main goal is completely shameless entertainment. I want people to smile and giggle and enjoy the book. I'm not trying to save the world through literature.

I was worried people would laugh at me when I started to talk the language, but they were just pleasantly surprised that I could. The sense of humour here is great - once I could have a giggle, I settled down.

When I went to lobby Nelson Mandela while the post-apartheid constitution was being drafted, I asked him to endorse making it illegal to discriminate on grounds of sexuality. I'd been warned that he might giggle if I mentioned homosexuality.

I literally wear a mask. When I take it off, I'm a father. I'm a husband. I like to come home, and I like to spend time with family, and I like to travel, and I like to have a good time. And I like to be a kid every now and giggle and play with my kids.

Funnily enough, I had a real giggle with Gary Oldman when we were doing an interview together for 'Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy.' Because I joked I was probably the only British actor who wasn't in the 'Harry Potter' franchise. The same is true of 'Game of Thrones.' Also 'Star Wars.'

Being hummed at by someone with magic hands while they knead your neck is good for the soul, but it won't make you giggle for days afterwards. In fact, the second the smiley therapist stops and says, 'You can put your robe on now, the hour is up,' the joy and wonder sort of leaves the room.

I have an appearance on a new TV show called 'Bar Karma' on Current TV. I had the most fun ever making this episode. I play someone with a multiple personality, and I think my fans will be surprised and get a real giggle out of it. It's a new model for TV in that it is interactive with the community.

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