Competitions are what you do as a good exercise.

Being entirely honest with oneself is a good exercise.

With narration, you have to be very accurate with your voice. It's a good exercise to do.

I love my bike, a hybrid Matrix Express, which is fast, cheap, easy to park and good exercise.

I love to dance, and I love to see people dance. It is good exercise. It gives you a kind of energy.

I start asking a lot of questions about my own life, and it's not necessarily fun, but it's a good exercise.

When I was young, my mom realized I could dance and hold a beat, and I really danced just for fun. It was good exercise.

When I get my heart rate up, I get good exercise and I think it's good for a lot of things, plus it's not hurting my hips right now.

I always walk up the escalator on the Tube, and I live in a house with a lot of stairs, and that's good exercise, but you need more than that.

You can be a part of a group or dance at home and even involve your family. Trust me, it's fun. It's a good exercise for your mind, body and soul.

Dance is something I really enjoy; it gives me a different kind of happiness, something more spiritual. Plus it's good exercise; I'm happy doing it, and it all shows!

I ask myself: What do I need to do to stay healthy? And I do that all the time. And it's stuff like meditation, making sure I get good exercise, all the things we know.

I would like Leveson Part Two. I think Leveson was a good exercise. That is why the Tories blocked it, because it was beginning to develop more accountability within the media itself.

There is no age, height, or weight requirement to skate. It is good exercise no matter what your age is. If you want to be competitive, most start young. But, I practice with many adult competitors.

I don't always enjoy curating, but I do believe it's part of my job. It's a good exercise for my brain, like warming up. Just focusing on my work would be so depressing! For me, curating is necessary - it's like physical training.

I played tennis a lot when I had the skull injury. For the first two months of my preparation, it was all I could do. It is a great sport for me because it helps my hand-eye coordination, and you need quick feet, which is a good exercise for a keeper.

It's fun for me to try to write concise, compact things. It's a very good exercise for me. And I think it's important to try to do different things - change what I write about, and also the way I write. Otherwise, I'd just be repeating myself, which wouldn't be good for me or fair to my readers.

Going to grocery stores is almost my favorite thing to do to calm myself down. There's something about just walking aisle after aisle making mundane choices. 'Do I want that? No, I want the one that has the low sodium.' And that feels like a good exercise to be doing when there isn't anything to be doing. It's like a kick-starter in some way.

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