The combo of a great story and good director works for me.

I was a pretty good fighter. But it was the writers who made me great.

In my almost 92 years on this earth, the good Lord has blessed me with a great journey.

I had great teammates. Adam Jones took great care of me. Mike Gonzalez took good care of me.

I need distractions. Good distractions, not bad ones. A good distraction for me is a great play.

I'm having a great career, though I think I'm not as good as your little scenario makes me out to be.

Slavisa is a great manager. He has helped me so much. Throughout his career, he has done a really good job.

I accept offers only when people approach me with a good script, and all those experiences have been great.

I watched Someone to Watch Over Me the other night. I thought it was a really good movie. It's a great movie.

I feel great when people say good things about me. But what's important is that I have to show it on the pitch.

You can be a great skater, you can have really good puck skills, but the ability to problem-solve is, to me, key.

I was at House Of Hardcore for Tommy Dreamer. Good guy, great guy, great eye for talent - that's why he booked me.

I have to tell you, I'm a great teacher. Ask anybody who worked for me, except some secretaries who weren't very good.

Everything good that I know was taught to me by great teachers and I feel like giving back and sharing the technique is the thing to do.

When people ask me about Cade, how he's doing or how we're doing, I always end up saying, 'Oh he's great, he's a keeper, he's a good one.'

You say that you are my judge; I do not know if you are; but take good heed not to judge me ill, because you would put yourself in great peril.

I don't think, as a player, I have a weakness on the field. I've done a great job of becoming good at everything, so I think that's what separates me.

One of the things that often frustrates me with cookbooks is that there are one or two recipes that are really good and the rest of them are not so great.

The column's worked out great for me. I've gotten a ton of ego satisfaction, had a lot of fun, won a batch of prizes and occasionally done some public good.

I have a wonderful road manager, and he travels with me. And my valet and friend travels with me. My little entourage is great, and they take good care of me.

My mum has had heart-attacks, a stroke, and it all coincided with me being called up for Scotland so the timing was not good. Thankfully, she is a great woman.

I feel good in my own skin because I've accepted the fact that I'm me. That's what's so great about being alive and being on this planet: Everybody's different.

The great thing about baseball is when you're done, you'll only tell your grandchildren the good things. If they ask me about 1989, I'll tell them I had amnesia.

It makes me feel good that I can now sit there and go, I've worked with Jack Nicholson, Al Pacino, all the great actors that I've worked with... Sir Ben Kingsley.

Getting bad reviews or doing something that's not great is also really good for you as an actor. It also makes me feel as an actor that I've earned my stripes a bit.

Um, you know, they have every right to feel the way they do and things are great with me, as you see, I'm very, good shape now and on the ball. Things are happening.

David Duchovny is a dream; a dreamboat and a dream. He was so kind... He held my hand after we were done shooting and told me I did great. He's so good at what he does.

Chris Jericho is a great guy. He's beyond hysterical. He's good people. They're really good. Chris wanted me to throw down a solo. He sent it to me and I knocked it out.

I think it's great when writers get recognition; it doesn't happen very often. I just don't want that writer to be me. Let it be Aaron Sorkin or, you know, somebody good.

I've got a really great team around me. They're the ones that are in the restaurants on a day to day basis. Anyone that's good can't be stifled in any way. I don't baby people.

The good thing about having a hit record is you don't need too many people. Because now your record is on fire, and I already have a great team around me, so why run to the labels?

It's like, hey, I've done what I could do, I've accomplished a lot, and now this - especially with wrestling - if this next generation wants to pass me up, great job. Good for them.

With Prince especially... he was a really great songwriter and keyboardist and singer and was so good at so many different things, you couldn't pin him down. That really inspires me.

I think finding a way to relate material to yourself can be useful to some people but acting for me is just being really good at make-pretend and lying. I've always been a great liar.

To be completely honest, I just like whatever tells a good story. Put me in whatever setting, scenario, genre. If you're telling a good story, it's great and it's fun to get caught up in.

When I'm traveling on tour, one of my favorite things to do is to throw a baseball cap on and go to a Target. The company has always been good to me. They've got such a great creative team.

I will always listen to my coaches. But first I listen to my body. If what they tell me suits my body, great. If my body doesn't feel good with what they say, then always my body comes first.

I don't see how it's a risky thing to take a great part with a great director and a great script. That, to me, is not really a dangerous, risky proposition. It's actually a really good choice.

A way you can get really good abs in film is you get your makeup artist to paint shadows - faux washboard. But if you see me in a movie and I have great abs, it means I have a great body double.

I'm not particularly needy, and I'm not particularly anxious. I don't look for a director to tell me I'm doing a good job or that I'm great. I don't need to be stroked. It's more my own yardstick.

Sonnen, to me, he's a great athlete, but he created that image so much for himself that people don't think he's that good. They just think he talks. So I think it's a risk you run when you do that.

I feel like I've done a pretty good job of scaling because I got some great mentors along the way that helped me realize I just have to build a phenomenal team around me that makes my job a lot easier.

For me, a really good mascara is such a must-have, and I rarely leave the house without it! Another must-have of mine is concealer: it really is so versatile and acts as a great pick-me-up during the day.

I'm constantly unsatisfied with any situation, which is both good and bad, because never being fully happy drives me to better every day... but I don't enjoy the things that I do even when I do them great.

I gotta say, the Catholic Church has churned out a lot of great artists and directors and actors, so if that's all they do, that's fine by me. If they're good at churning out tortured artists, that's great!

My wife is completely different from me: she's good with everyone, whereas I'm good at directed conversation when I have a purpose for it, like now. If everyone's sitting around being social, I'm not great.

I'm going to have a great career when I'm done. But when people talk about me, I want them to say, 'Yo, not only was Shady McCoy really good, but he was a solid person in the locker room. He helped us out.'

Honestly, I want to be known as a great ball player, but it's more important for me to be known as a good person. Like seriously, the greatest gift you have as a person is to give something to somebody else.

When your hair is rising, that's when you know it's a good song - that's happened to me with some artists and some songs, John Lennon songs or when Nina Simone sings. It's great to make those moments yourself.

I didn't understand when somebody thanked me for writing a good sketch, because it was something I wanted to do, but now I totally get it, because when someone writes something great for me, I'm so appreciative.

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