Medicine's good for some people. Not for me.

Twice I let people talk me out of good ideas.

People inspire me to write, the good ones and the bad ones.

Success to me is being a good person, treating people well.

It makes me feel good just to know that I'm touching people.

I've always been surrounded by good people who rein me back in.

Honestly, my secret is I pick really, really good people around me.

Just to be remembered is good enough for me. Lots of people are forgotten.

There are so many people supporting me and so many good people on my side.

If I get to tell good stories with good people, that's good enough for me.

I'm easy. Put me in an interesting location with good people and I'm there.

Some people are really good at packaging themselves, but that's not really me.

There are a lot of people who would laugh at the idea of me being a good singer.

People - me included - want to get excited about books. Good books are a good thing.

I will not say I would not serve if the good people were imprudent enough to elect me.

My Hindi was not very good, but I guess people liked my accent and gave me Hindi roles.

I would like more people to think good things about me, but if they never do, they never do.

I don't want to rely on what people say about me to feel good; playing's what I really enjoy.

I don't get like when people say Josh Norman is tough. Don't get me wrong, he's a good player.

A good 'Bake Off,' for me, is just about cakes and nice people - and that's a successful show.

Growing up in the entertainment industry, I've had a lot of people tell me I'm not good enough.

I'm a pretty quiet guy, but if people want to think of me as a lady killer, I guess that's good.

I didn't know how capable I was until the people around me in acting school would say I was good.

I think, on a surface level, people are surprised to see me playing such a passive role in 'Good.'

I'm not like normal people. I'm no good at relationships. I draw drama to me - it's the Jew in me.

I get more people approaching me about how good I was in 'Napoleon Dynamite' than being in Coldplay.

I'm not good at very many things. The stuff I'm good at tends to be the stuff that people know me for.

People will still give me attention: even when my teeth are gone, I'll have some good stories to tell.

I wasn't a good waitress, but I was told that I was very nice and charming, so people liked me anyway.

There are so many people who would like to see me not make it in Nashville. But that's good motivation.

If people want to see Beaux-Arts, it's fine with me. I'm interested in good architecture as anybody else.

For me, there are no my people and strangers, no bad people and good people. All people are equal for me.

People now tell me it's a good thing I stayed away from teen films. Well, it wasn't my choice. I wasn't hired.

I was put off by people at school - my cabbage wasn't as good as other people's, you know, so that put me off.

It's good that people are underestimating me. I'm the guy from Down Under, and I'm going to show them what's up.

A lot of things have been said about me. People are going to talk, and that's a good thing; I want people to talk.

For me, a good comedy town is filled with people on the verge of a riot. They need something to relieve the tension.

Nowadays, I could not care less about making other people like me. I'm a good person, I don't need to do that anymore.

People know me as 'Wipeout Girl' or 'Mercury Girl.' They never know my name, and sometimes, maybe that's a good thing.

I didn't know what a good technical wrestler was when I was little - it was people that made me scream or boo or cheer.

I never had a backup plan. I've only been good at one thing. I admire people who are jacks-of-all-trades. That's not me.

I think I would make a good spy. I can sort of be a chameleon. People don't notice me very easily. I never get recognized.

It's become hard for me to trust people and though I'm the type to go, 'everybody is born good,' you come to question that.

I come from nothing, and growing up, I really didn't have many people to inspire me, at least no good people to inspire me.

Being a role model is a little bit of pressure on me, but I know that people will support me either way which is a good feeling.

When I get on stage, I try to win my pay: to please and that people leave satisfied... being seductive has given me good results.

It's the ultimate pinnacle of stand-up to have an hour on HBO, but way more people see Comedy Central, and they've been good to me.

I'm sure that people must say about me, on the screen, 'Good gracious, is Jeanette MacDonald going to take off her clothes - again?

I have always been grateful to Colonel Longley. He proved to me that when people in authority take a stand, good can come out of it.

I'm good at keeping secrets, but if it's not something super serious I usually tell people not to tell me because I'll tell someone else.

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