I want every Grammy.

I will win a Grammy for India.

If I get a Grammy, that would be dope.

It's an honor to win a Grammy, of course.

I believe that I'm going to have a Grammy.

Winning a Grammy is always going to be good.

I think every artist should go for a Grammy.

I'm not going to lie: I'd love to win a Grammy.

I think the Grammy is like the award, you know.

I'd like my writing to be recognized with a Grammy.

By the way, I got a Grammy, which was a big thrill.

As a kid, I dreamed of being nominated for a Grammy.

I liked getting the Grammy more than not getting it.

I've got a Grammy and Emmy, I'd like to have a Tony.

My goal is a Grammy so my songs will have to be good.

Winning a Grammy is the best thing that can ever happen.

I daydream about Backstreet Boys accepting a Grammy one day.

I need a Grammy or a nomination. Just give me my nomination.

Getting nominated for a Grammy is as high as it gets for us.

Never in my life have I thought, 'Man, I gotta get a Grammy.'

The GRAMMY was a huge deal. It's the height of any musical career.

I have nine Grammy Awards. I wouldn't have that if I couldn't sing.

And when you get where you’re going, you darn well better look great!

Ridin' was natural, not forced. I didn't try to make a Grammy record.

People saying that you been robbed is almost better than winning a Grammy.

You know, Python should have won a Grammy for our musical work on the show.

I was excited to be nominated for the Grammy, but prizes are a little strange.

One of the high points of my career was winning the Grammy for 'I Will Survive.'

If I needed money, I wouldn't sell $5 t-shirts. I'd sell a Grammy or an MTV award.

I'd love to one day win an Oscar just as much as one day I'd like to win a Grammy.

I plan on making a lot more records, and hopefully one of them will be Grammy worthy.

My first Grammy nomination? I was 24 - I was nominated for best new artist of the year.

It could be Grammy night, Oscar night, whatever - I don't feel the pressure to be there.

I think every artist wants to have that 'Grammy award winner' tag in front of their name.

I've been able to win a Grammy and then to come back and get the key to the city of Watts.

When I was 20, I wanted to be famous and win a Grammy and have people respect and love me.

One of the first country artists I got to work with was Carrie Underwood at the Grammy Awards.

I've gotten tons of awards and I believe when it's my time to get a Grammy, I'll get a Grammy.

When I was nominated for a Grammy, my label dropped me - I have a wariness about trying for a hit.

I've been to the Grammy's several times for my past nominations and it has always a fun experience.

Kendrick Lamar deserves a Grammy. He's one of the biggest, most influential rappers of my generation.

When I started my recording career, I hoped that someday the Grammy committee would notice something.

I always say that my biggest goal is a Grammy, and on the way there I will grab everything that is given.

While I revel in the memories of my own Grammy moment, I also know how it feels to walk away empty-handed.

I never set out now to get a Grammy, or get an American Music Award, but it still is nice to be recognized.

You don't want to make records so you can win a Grammy. You make records because you want to be a musician.

I never sang for a Grammy, for money, for fame. That's my whole purpose for singing: for people, for the fans.

I used Coldplay's mixer, Michael H. Brauer, on 'Roadsinger'; he's brilliant. He won a Grammy for their record.

When you win a Grammy, it links a certain prestige and importance to you, you know? People want to talk to you.

I went to Clive Davis' Grammy party, and I nearly spontaneously combusted because everyone on my iPod was there!

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