I gravitate toward women.

I gravitate towards gravitas.

I gravitate to ensemble comedy.

I gravitate to the world's outcasts.

Damaged people gravitate towards damaged people.

I always gravitate toward the humor in something.

All serious conversations gravitate towards philosophy.

I gravitate towards happy music. I love the Beach Boys.

I tend to gravitate toward ballads and mid-tempo songs.

I'm a fan of real singers. I just gravitate towards that.

I do sort of gravitate towards smaller, indie-type movies.

I gravitate towards silent characters who don't talk much.

Power draws you in; it's something we can gravitate toward.

I tend to gravitate toward gender- and race-related stories.

I tend to gravitate towards very simple, minimalistic styles.

Responsibilities gravitate to the person who can shoulder them.

Criminals gravitate into government positions like natural law.

A lot of the characters I gravitate towards feel like outsiders.

I think I gravitate towards characters who are slight outsiders.

I always gravitate towards characters that are so opposite of me.

For me, I've always wanted to do theater, so I gravitate toward it.

I gravitate towards strong messages and things that make an impact.

I knew that I tend to always gravitate to the indie side of things.

I think musicians naturally gravitate toward music that sounds real.

I don't know if women gravitate toward me, or I gravitate toward them.

With any character I play, I gravitate to the juxtaposition and humor.

Fantasy novels, I don't really gravitate to that part of the bookstore.

I gravitate towards sort of broken characters who try to be better people.

I gravitate to whatever looks good on me and whatever maakes me feel sexy.

Actors usually tend to gravitate towards the evil things that stretch them.

People gravitate toward information that implies a happier outlook for them.

I gravitate toward edgy, intense, dark films that just grab you by the throat.

I gravitate toward the team thing. I'm not a golfer - I much prefer basketball.

I'm somebody who likes to gravitate toward people who aren't necessarily famous.

I'm constantly trying to create timeless music that many people can gravitate to.

For whatever reason, you gravitate to certain subjects, and I read a lot of history.

I think I gravitate towards people who express themselves in a simple and funny way.

That's how things work: you be who you are, and then people like you. They gravitate.

Every kid has something they're good at, that you hope they find and gravitate toward.

In sports, big names and celebrities drive events, and that's what people gravitate to.

There's a big tendency to gravitate toward a closed and proprietary approach too easily.

When you're a little girl, you kind of gravitate towards all of the princesses and things.

Scientists know that women gravitate to men who have a different immune system from theirs.

I try to be the fixer of situations and I gravitate to people who are institutional misfits.

And I definitely gravitate toward people who use laughter to pull themselves out of the abyss.

Mean comedy is not really something that I personally gravitate towards or something that I do.

I will say that I do gravitate more towards quirkier guys. I always date guys who wear glasses.

People gravitate to what they believe to be popular... Technology is enabling even more of that.

I grew up in France, my first language was French, and I tend to gravitate towards French cooking.

I gravitate toward contemporary art. I love great paintings, sculpture, photography, some video art.

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