Total Divas' was a great opportunity.

Globalization can be a great opportunity.

They missed a great opportunity to shut up.

I've always said AOL is great opportunity for somebody.

Before every great opportunity God gave me a great trial.

I started off small and then this was just the great opportunity.

I feel like it's a great opportunity for me to play for the Vikings.

Running gives you a great opportunity to work stuff out in your head.

Being the number one pick was a great opportunity and meant a lot to me.

I want to retire how I want to retire - and I have a great opportunity to do that.

Don’t just try to find great opportunities. Find an opportunity and make it great.

I wanted to stay in the Premier League, and Chelsea was a great opportunity for me.

I think theater is a great training ground; I think it's a great opportunity to play.

Music allows the great opportunity to play with people who turned you on and you love.

Summer is a great opportunity for all of cable. People love to find original episodes.

Donald Trump at the head of the Republican ticket affords Democrats a great opportunity.

'The Bank Job,' for me, was a great opportunity for me to do some good acting, you know?

If a great opportunity opens itself up, I would love to be involved... or star in a movie.

Fashion Week is a great opportunity to make unimportant people feel like they own the world.

It is a great opportunity and a great challenge to be a part of Indian team for the World Cup.

Holidays - any holiday - are such a great opportunity to focus on bringing the family together.

I'm not a sponge exactly, but I find that something I look at is a great opportunity for ideas.

I did Chicago on Broadway the year before last. That was a great opportunity and I had a blast.

The lure of the distant and the difficult is deceptive. The great opportunity is where you are.

Looking back - I did have a lot of success and a lot of great opportunities earlier in my career.

Whenever there is fear, there is opportunity. When there is great fear, there is great opportunity.

It's a great opportunity to get picked top 10 in the draft. It's just a dream that I've always had.

Dartmouth represented a great opportunity. I wanted to go to the best possible school I could go to.

People love our products. They love using our services. All of this, to me, equals great opportunity.

For Modi, India offers a great opportunity for development with excellent natural and human resources.

Just having the opportunity to play baseball and football at a major D-I level is a great opportunity.

A lot of people try to paint this child actor stigma, but I always looked at it as a great opportunity.

Like others before me, I have a great opportunity as an NFL player to make a difference in the lives of others.

I firmly believe that with President Trump in the White House, we have such a great opportunity as conservatives.

I was supposed to do Beautiful,' and when I watched the movie, I knew that I had missed out on a great opportunity.

Science fiction is the great opportunity to speculate on what could happen. It does give me, as a futurist, scenarios.

I do see great opportunity to make reforms to our tax code, making it simpler, fairer and removing corporate loopholes.

The massive migration from dumb phones to smart phones is a great opportunity for young companies to take advantage of.

I think entrepreneurs have a great opportunity to think of how to make things more understandable, simple and beautiful.

I think doing 'Teen Wolf' is just giving me a really great opportunity to possibly get other jobs and show what I can do.

'Lady Macbeth' is a great opportunity for me to prove that maybe the outcome of 'The Falling' was not necessarily a fluke.

National Cancer Prevention Day, Feb. 4, is a great opportunity to focus our attention on what should be an American priority.

I almost took a job in Italy. It was really a great opportunity, but they didn't think I had enough international experience.

Footballers have a great opportunity to be a good example because the kids want to listen to you and be like you in many ways.

If Cleveland takes me No. 1, it would be a great opportunity, first of all, and that goes for anyone taking me in any position.

I thought I had a great opportunity when I started doing my comic book in 1972. I thought there was so much territory to work in.

I think we have a great opportunity as fighters and athletes to be good role models. I'm by no means perfect, but I think we can try.

I had good times with Juventus but when you are offered the chance to come to Real at almost 33 years of age it is a great opportunity.

My first movie role was a supporting performance in a Canadian film called 'Final Lady.' It was a great opportunity for me at the time.

When a buyer leaves a negative review, it is a great opportunity to connect and find out why they did and how to make your business better.

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