It's a great time to be alive.

Great Time makes all things dim.

I have had a great time as president.

I love Jimmy Fallon; he's always a great time.

I think that it's a great time to be a designer.

Always in life bad times will lead to great times.

I had a great time doing 'Torchwood,' I really did.

It's a great time to be alive and be a computer weenie.

I have a great time with my life, and I wanna share it.

When you're going broke, it's best to have a great time.

I had a great time with John Duigan he's pretty amazing.

It's a great time to be an actress at this point in my life.

I've had some great times with actresses, but that's in a movie.

I play opposite Beverly D'Angelo, and that was definitely a great time.

The great times were never as great as they seem in the rearview mirror.

College was a great time. I partied there, but I also learned how to act.

I don't know if great times make great men, but I know they can kill them.

I don't think we're living in great times for movies, to tell you the truth.

It was a great time to be making music because everything else was changing.

Anyone who doesn't have a great time in San Francisco is pretty much dead to me.

Right now is a great time to be a woman in tech, but there's not enough women in tech.

I would never say never to marrying again but for the time being I'm having a great time.

The guys I tended to date, you know, didn't necessarily have it altogether but I had a great time.

The word ‘no’ is a great time-saver. Say no to anything that is not the highest and best use of your time.

There are opportunities that you get during crises times. Crises times are a great time to start a business.

I love to ride my bike, which is great aerobics, but also just a great time for me to think, so it's like this terrific double bill.

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