Grind Hard, Shine Hard.

Grind Hard, Shine Hard.

The grind never ends.

Thus I grind to conclusion.

Grind the faces of the poor.

For me, the grind never stops.

The mills of God grind slowly.

Baseball is not a grind for me.

My life is one demd horrid grind.

God's mill grinds slow, but sure.

Just being in Europe was a grind.

It's just a grind every single day.

Don't let the bastards grind you down.

God grinds the axes he intends to use.

The bee fertilizes the flower it robs.

In any profession it gets to be a grind.

We don't play to grind out goalless draws.

God's mills grind slow, But they grind woe.

He that cannot paint must grind the colors.

I've been acting for 30 years. It's a grind.

Sometimes the wheels of justice grind slowly.

Nothing can substitute for just plain hard work

The mill cannot grind with the water that is past.

I've been on my grind to be the best player I can.

You're going to have to grind it out on some drives.

I have no axe to grind; only my thoughts to burnish.

Embrace the grind because it was once taken from me.

The mill cannot grind with the water that has passed.

I grind. I hustle. I don't have time to get no haircut.

Daddy wasn't there for me, so I had to grind every day.

I love the grind. Gucci taught me to never stop working.

If it's one thing I know well is how to get my grind on.

Writing is like the life of a glacier; one eternal grind.

What ever truth drops on it eventually grinds to a powder.

Everybody was in struggle, in the grind trying to make it.

It's definitely a grind. Come to the gym early, leave late.

You constantly have to grind, work harder than anyone else.

Whom the gods would destroy, they first make mad with power.

The hardest thing to do is work hard when no one is watching.

During the season, you just grind, it's a cat-and-mouse game.

What makes you grind? You have to always be chasing something.

Keep going. Grind for what you want. Pray. Listen to your mama.

You've gotta learn to love the grind. Because life IS the grind.

The mills of God grind slowly, but they grind exceedingly small.

Beauty's where you find it; not just where you bump and grind it.

The cramped monotony of my existence grinds me away by the grain.

I didn't want to keep forcing myself to grind out book after book.

My career has been successful, but it's been a grind of hard work.

Adversity can strengthen you if you have the will to grind it out.

Endless cricket, like endless anything else, simply grinds you down.

I love the grind. I think it makes you better in all facets of life.

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