I love a band that has a banjo, that does group harmonies and yells out the word 'Hey' or 'Woo.' I live for it.

The best part about being with a group is that you don't have to do everything alone. You're with your friends.

The Beatles were a group made up of four very complex men, and my small hand could not have broken these men up.

No group of our citizens can be denied the right to participate in the opportunities of first-class citizenship.

Hamas has long been Israel's enemy, but in the wake of the Arab Spring, the group is empowered like never before.

Coming into high school, it's scary. You don't know which group to be in, and I can't stand that it's so cliquey.

J-Hope always tries to cheer us up, and I'm so grateful. Actually, I like to call him a new leader for the group.

I joined the swim team when I was 12, and I was the worst kid in the pool - I was put with a group of 7-year-olds.

The Tea Party movement's economic agenda is a matter of emphasis, not exclusion. This is not a single-issue group.

Don't ever forget that a small group of thoughtful people can change the world, it's the only thing that ever has.

Properly defined, a startup is the largest group of people you can convince of a plan to build a different future.

The rights of democracy are not reserved for a select group within society, they are the rights of all the people.

I would still consider myself in the elite group of managers. If it was me against someone else, I'd trust myself.

Talk about dues, we paid a damn ton of 'em. So many that if things ever went too smoothly, it would ruin the group.

While working in a group is great, on-set especially, it means you just don't get to see the characters one-on-one.

Those who dare to interpret God's will must never claim Him as an asset for one nation or group rather than another.

We're a very expensive group; we break a lot of rules. It's unheard of to combine opera with a rock theme, my dear .

There is nothing more fearful for the average person in our society than to stand before a group of people and speak.

When a sizable group of customers speak, I always listen! The 'customers' view' is key to my confidence in decisions.

My parents are my backbone. Still are. They're the only group that will support you if you score zero or you score 40.

Dolphins are social mammals, capable of enjoying their lives. They form close bonds with other members of their group.

If you qualify for a World Cup and expect to get an easy group, you are in the wrong sport. It doesn't work like that.

American men, as a group, seem to be interested in only two things, money and breasts. It seems a very narrow outlook.

To me, religion is an agreement between a group of people about what God is. Spirituality is a one-on-one relationship.

We have a great group of guys that really sacrifice every night, care about each other, and try to play the right away.

The cities are the principal home and seat of the human group. They are the coral colony for Man, the collective being.

It's hard becoming a member of a girl group among so many competitors. You have to have luck and also need to work hard.

What makes a fulfilling relationship or fulfilling life is not simply found in another. It's found in a group of others.

In high school, I was that guy who was trying to be cool with everybody, but I never really had a core group of friends.

Some people don't understand that football is universal. It doesn't have a race or nationality. It's one group of people.

We must stand together united in solidarity against the targeting, demonization, and vilification of any group of people.

Photography is a small voice, at best, but sometimes one photograph, or a group of them, can lure our sense of awareness.

It's not refreshing where there is confusion or any kind of discomfort in a group that has to work that closely together.

War is not only a matter of equipment, artillery, group troops or air force; it is largely a matter of spirit, or morale.

I consider myself very lucky, essentially - I was put into a pop group even though my musical taste was very niche before.

Tel Aviv was established in 1909 by a group of secular Jewish families; Judaism's origin story is about 2,000 years older.

Anybody who has been discriminated against, who comes from a group that's been discriminated against, knows what it's like.

The British press are a group of unremitting scumbags. And sometimes they use that scumbaggery to good ends, and often not.

Great players are willing to give up their own personal achievement for the achievement of the group. It enhances everybody.

The more diverse a research group or a business, the more robust it is, the more flexible it is, and the better it succeeds.

I'm gonna keep Very Rare as a street brand. I wanna make a new clothing brand and group. It's gonna be more... high fashion.

Movies will end up being this esoteric art form, where only singular people will put films out in a small group of theaters.

The children of less effective, less competent parents will be more likely to adopt the customs and values of the peer group.

The Shield had run its course as a three-man group, and we'll go down in history as one of the greatest factions of all time.

The trappings of a religious cult tend to fall into candlelit ceremonies and robes and group chanting and singing and prayer.

When you are part of a group for seven years, you leave something - I hope - beautiful inside each of your former team-mates.

I'm Cherokee, and there were times when social expansion was something that is needed by a cultural group or a national group.

One civilization after another has been wrecked upon the attempt to secure sufficient leadership from a single group or class.

I definitely think some of my older female peer group are deeply beautiful women. They have this thing that radiates from them.

There is something strange about me. I don't ever feel at ease in a group of people. I have to fight hard to overcome my fears.

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