Friday is my night for letting my hair down, and once a month a group of my old male friends will come down and stay at our house in Hampshire.

I do love horror movies, but I'm not the kind of guy who would dress up as a ghoul for Halloween. I might go as a member of the Blue Man Group.

When you're with a group of semi-psychotic people, you kind of lose track of reality; it's almost like being in some sort of cult or something.

You need to accept yourself for who you are and surround yourself with a good group of girl friends that'll lift you up instead of put you down.

You have to show you have ambition as a team, as a group of players; show you want to win. Otherwise, in my opinion, you can't win a tournament.

The Muslims are, as a group, attacking people because under the Quran, there is the house of Islam, and outside of it, there's the house of war.

No group and no government can properly prescribe precisely what should constitute the body of knowledge with which true education is concerned.

I'm sure there is a group of people that assume Nine Inch Nails is just noise and chaos - or whatever it might be dismissed as, and sometimes is.

There are many powerful men and women in mobile. I'm fortunate to be part of that group. But by no means do I think I'm the most powerful person.

We should be developing spaces and places that are thinking about how we care for the group vs. asking the individual to take care of themselves.

No other youth group like the Scouts has trained so many future leaders while at the same time being a nature organization with its outdoor focus.

By the year 2020, we envision our group to be the largest hotel developer in the Philippines, with a total portfolio of around 12,000 hotel rooms.

You can be a part of a group or dance at home and even involve your family. Trust me, it's fun. It's a good exercise for your mind, body and soul.

I was never the best in my age group. I was like the Ugly Duckling because I am not beautiful to see but I always improved. That is my best skill.

Every group has its time. Nobody reigns forever, except Michael Jackson. So, you've gotta be ready for that - and be wise about what you're doing.

Presidential powers are not exercised by a body or group. The Constitution vests 'all executive power' in one and only one person - the president.

There are two kinds of people, those who do the work and those who take the credit. Try to be in the first group; there is less competition there.

The EU is not a country and it's not going to become a country, in my view, now or ever in the future. It is a group of countries working together.

I carry my iPod everywhere. My favorite group is the John Butler Trio, an Australian jam band. The lead singer and guitarist writes amazing lyrics.

Memes just show that people are engaged about something. A meme is just a little inside joke for a group of people that care about a certain thing.

My approach to directing is to not do very much directing. I'm mainly interested in what the creative group individually and together are thinking.

I've never seen a weirder group of people than at the post office. It looks like people are crawling out from under rocks to go to the post office.

No matter how certain I am about some culture or some group of people, my opinions are only as accurate as the amount of time I've spent with them.

I've never shaped or crafted my music for any specific group of people. Whoever connects with it is fine with me. I don't care where they come from.

Life looked bleak when I became chairman of the group at the age of 29. But I survived, as the Lord must have carried me when I needed Him the most.

On Pinwheel, you can find and leave notes all around the world. The notes can be public or private, shared with an individual, a group, or everyone.

I play the ukulele. I have a great group of friends, and we do things like have battles of the bands - me sometimes on ukulele, but mostly on drums.

I feel so lucky to have 'Euphoria' as a first experience with taking on a character and exploring acting and in having this group of people as well.

Whether I'm captain or not, I always like to think that I lead by example anyway. I do the same things as I always do and try to help the group out.

In 1983, all of us had U.S. passports, but because there was so much tension between America and the U.S.S.R., we were announced as a Canadian group.

I served as the chairman of the India-Israel Parliamentary Friendship Group for three years, during which I also had the pleasure of visiting Israel.

I think a group and a solo attract people in different ways, which I believe is a proof that the mass is looking for the more varying types of music.

I have never been able to see myself as fitting into one category, and I have never been able to limit my contact with people to one group of people.

It's particularly hard to take being stabbed in the back close to home. There's always a feeling of betrayal when people of your own group oppose you.

It feels like Gangstarr is the purest group in hip-hop. They was shooting videos on the beach in the winter when the water was ice. Razor-blade music.

I'm not going to be bullied or pushed around by the group of the day. You've got to have political courage. You've got to have your own inner beliefs.

Two brothers and a sister, my niece, my nephew... we're a very small group. We're very close, very tight-knit. We spend every holiday weekend together.

Teamwork requires some sacrifice up front; people who work as a team have to put the collective needs of the group ahead of their individual interests.

I acted in junior high in the junior high school group, and then when I got into senior high I was, you know, the main actor of the senior high school.

Exploring is one of my favorite things to do, but I don't really want to be in a tour group. I like doing it alone or with whomever I'm traveling with.

Fame hasn't really affected me. I have a really close knit group around me, and my sister is always with me, so it's like a bit of a travelling circus.

C is peculiar in a lot of ways, but it, like many other successful things, has a certain unity of approach that stems from development in a small group.

A little group of willful men, representing no opinion but their own, have rendered the great government of the United States helpless and contemptible.

If elephants didn't exist, you couldn't invent one. They belong to a small group of living things so unlikely they challenge credulity and common sense.

We need to make sure these Islamic terrorist organizations don't become mainstream. We're fighting an ideology as much as a group of radical terrorists.

We've actually got a Chelsea loan WhatsApp group. The loan department set it up. Sometimes it drains your battery when everyone is messaging each other.

When you have friends that are Muslim, Jewish, gay, from any marginalized group, you realize that they are so much more than this esoteric talking point.

There are basically two types of people. People who accomplish things, and people who claim to have accomplished things. The first group is less crowded.

You'll find individuals agreeing on this, but when they get into collective societies and larger groups they find it difficult to achieve group agreement.

I think winning brings togetherness and, when you have beautiful experiences together and you win trophies, then those experiences stay within that group.

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