I am such a gypsy.

I'm a wandering gypsy.

I am a gypsy, basically.

I've always been a gypsy.

I'm from a Gypsy background!

I'm an air-conditioned gypsy.

My center is the soul of a gypsy.

I've always been a bit of a gypsy.

I've always enjoyed being a Gypsy.

I like the gypsy aspect of this business.

I'm a bit of a wandering gypsy on the pitch.

The thing is, I'm a gypsy; I love travelling!

I think I'll always be a theater gypsy at heart.

Besides, I'm a gypsy at heart and I like to travel around.

I am a gypsy, in a way. It's a condition of my profession.

I was a gypsy, living a carefree life of ponies and tennis.

For gypsies do not like to stay - They only come to go away.

I guess I haven't gotten over being lost, a wandering gypsy.

I'm a bit of a gypsy. I live everywhere; I live out of a bag.

I love being a gypsy. Home is between New York and California.

I like the pirate and gypsy vibe. That's always been my thing.

Was it a light only she could see? A gypsy's spell? A mystery?

I've lived a gypsy life and wouldn't know any other way to live.

My whole life was foretold to me. An old Romany gypsy read my fortune.

I've played four characters now, my latest one being Sandor the gypsy.

I am fighting royalty. I have gypsy kings on both sides of the family.

Gypsies are, to say the least, underrepresented in literature and film.

Literature, like a gypsy, to be picturesque, should be a little ragged.

I just really think every job I do, I get this gypsy attitude to money.

I've been really lucky and been able to live a gypsy life for a long time.

I'm sort of a gypsy at heart and don't like to stay in one place too long.

I'll always stand by my Gypsy roots, and I'll always help out one of my own.

I travel like a gypsy, and I didn't know how I could perform and be a mother.

Time, you old gypsy man, will you not stay, put up your caravan just for one day?

As a model, you're such a gypsy, so that 'home' element is kind of taken from you.

I need to keep traveling, being a gypsy, having experiences and writing about them.

My own personal favorite Cher song is the unforgettable Gypsies, Tramps and Thieves.

It is impossible to imagine a more complete fusion with nature than that of the Gypsy.

A gypsy told me I was going to do great things. I was going to make all kinds of money.

Despite my being an old gypsy there is a tendency to respectability inherent in old age.

Are you not scared by seeing that the gypsies are more attractive to us than the apostles?

Gypsy was the name my brother gave a pet turtle he had. I always thought it was so peculiar.

Say what you will about Gypsy women, but they are remarkable assessors of blues guitar talent.

I wanted to become an actor because I wanted to become a gypsy. I wanted to live the gypsy life!

The soundtrack for 'Hemlock Grove' got me into all this goth folk gypsy music like the Dead Brothers.

I'm kind of a gypsy, so I love living out of a suitcase and going from place to place meeting people.

It's quite nice to have a place to leave things. You can be a permanent gypsy, but it's nice to go home.

I had a gypsy upbringing, so I moved around all over the place and can't remember a street I grew up on.

When I tried to do something else, everyone behaved as if I was Gypsy Rose Lee trying to paint a Matisse.

I don't think I've done anything quite like 'Gypsy' before. Especially the honest way that it is written.

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