A goal properly set is halfway reached.

A goal properly set is halfway reached.

I love meeting life halfway.

Halfway measures are not enough.

Believe and you're halfway there.

Begin, and you are halfway there.

The summit is just a halfway point.

Whatever you do, don't do it halfway.

I'm at the halfway point of shooting .

Greater good is just halfway back to Bad.

Believe you can and you're halfway there.

A halfway decent haircut will go a long way!

Respect me at all means. No halfway disrespect.

Hope meets you halfway on a bridge called faith.

Dance well with a woman, and she's halfway yours.

I'm halfway intelligent. I'll figure something out.

I love you. You have no idea what you are worth to me.

We just have to learn to meet each other halfway okay?

Valor lies just halfway between rashness and cowardice.

But even creeps deserve to live someplace halfway decent.

You've got to lie to stay halfway interested in yourself.

There is no point changing coach halfway through the year.

I don't want to do anything halfway. It has to be perfect.

I hate to do anything halfway so I leave the guitar alone.

Letitia! What a name. Halfway between a salad and a sneeze.

The cuckoo who is on to himself is halfway out of the clock.

Whoever finishes a revolution only halfway, digs his own grave.

I'm known for changing halfway through the day if my mood swings.

I can't permit myself to do things halfway; I never was like that.

Metaphor is halfway between the unintelligible and the commonplace.

A man is already halfway in love with any woman who listens to him.

Go to meet destiny halfway and destiny will come to your assistance.

Some people are so fond of ill luck that they run halfway to meet it.

You don't jump out of an airplane and stop halfway. It's all the way.

I was always brought up to have a cup of tea at halfway up a rock face.

There never was a God. 'God is dead' is a halfway measure I won't go with.

A lie can be halfway round the world before the truth has got its boots on.

The world meets nobody halfway. When you want something, you gotta take it.

The garden suggests there might be a place where we can meet nature halfway.

Change the way you think, and you are already halfway to changing the world.

Sometimes you film in your hometown, sometimes you go halfway across the world.

The day you open your mind to music, you're halfway to opening your mind to life.

I spent the majority of my teenage years in hospitals, rehabs and halfway houses.

I live halfway between reality and theater at all times. And I was born this way.

Don't do nothing halfway, else you find yourself dropping more than can be picked up.

A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.

You can't halfway disrespect me ever in my life and think we are going to be OK later.

Quit now, you'll never make it. If you disregard this advice, you'll be halfway there.

Because you can't do anything halfway, you've got to go all the way in anything you do.

Even if you're not ready to live at your full volume, turn it up halfway and get there.

The man who says he is willing to meet you halfway is usually a poor judge of distance.

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