When you're hot, anything can happen.

Embarrassment is where growth happens.

Speech happens to not be his language.

Stories happen to those who tell them.

When you work hard, good things happen

I always try to make my things happen.

One must be able to let things happen.

Nothing happens unless first we dream.

Good things happen when you go for it!

Everything can happen in the playoffs.

Whatever happens, take responsibility.

Smile at a stranger. See what happens.

I'm a writer who just happens to draw.

Nothing happens unless something moves.

Need nothing and then see what happens.

Its a war zone. Terrible things happen.

Things never happen the same way twice.

Whatever happens, I'm ready to face it.

Deep down, I happen to be very shallow.

It doesn't matter how anything happens.

Nothing is inevitable until it happens.

Nothing happens until I make it happen.

Bullying happens at all ages and levels.

Just take a breath and see what happens.

War is what happens when language fails.

You just write about things that happen.

I think that things happen for a reason.

Many strange things happen in this world

When people start talking, things happen.

Everything happens when it's supposed to.

What happens in the heart simply happens.

Everything happens through relationships.

Things happen and you live and you learn.

Anything can happen and it probably will.

Nothing great happens when you hold back.

I believe you have to make things happen.

Nothing good ever happens after midnight.

I realize that things happen for a reason

Gay marriage is going to happen. It must.

Infrastructure web services had to happen.

Things kind of happen organically with me.

Bad things happen, but you can still live.

I don't want anything bad to happen to me.

I believe everything happens for a reason.

For a comedy to work, magic has to happen.

Whatever happens, never happens by itself.

Let your mind alone, and see what happens.

The unexpected is always likely to happen.

If something is inevitable, it will happen

Let's make something happen to this world.

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