Wealth and want equally harden the human heart.

James Harden is one of the best offensive players in the game.

I want to get to the 'pick your poison' type of situations like James Harden.

At a certain point, I think, you harden yourself to the realities of the business.

Evil walks among us, and God help us if we don't harden our schools and protect our kids.

Spoon the sauce over the ice cream. It will harden. This is what you have been working for.

I think men, growing up, you have to go through some form of hardship. You've got to harden the metal.

We knew James Harden was good. You don't get named to All-Star games and win Olympic gold medals when you play like Darko Milicic.

We're going to do everything we can to harden our systems, to make sure that our elections are free and fair and the will of the American people is implemented.

I grew up watching Kobe and all these other dudes, but I was in love with that Oklahoma City Thunder team with James Harden, Russell Westbrook, and Kevin Durant.

I was raised in the NBA. I've seen some guys stay and I've seen a lot go. I've watched James Harden be a rival of mine for Sixth Man of the Year to an MVP candidate.

But if we continue in sin, and rebel and harden our hearts, we shall become so inured and fixed in it, that it will be natural, and we shall choose it from time to time.

Harden throws his body around a lot and is a master at drawing fouls. It could be considered borderline flopping sometimes, but he's a vet who knows how to get to the line.

If you see most people neglect the Bible, and many that can read never look into it, let it not harden you and make you think lightly of it, and that it is a book of no worth.

I'm a competitor. I want the ball when it matters. But I came to Houston because I wanted to play with Chris Paul (a guy I've been close with since we were kids) and James Harden.

At some point, you're going to see the ability for a fan sitting in a seat to bet, swiping his credit card, whether James Harden is going to score ten 3-pointers or not that night.

When I'm home, I spend Sunday with my husband. If we're not cooking, we travel around in our camper, stop at fast-food restaurants, and picnic. We love that stuff that will harden your arteries in a hurry.

A man is as old as his arteries and his interests. If he permits his economic, religious, or social arteries to harden, or loses interest in whatever concerns mankind... he will need only six feet of earth.

James Harden changed my life. An entire page could be dedicated just to James. He not only transformed my life but also revolutionized the game of basketball - and continues to do so - like almost no one has before.

I believe in greater self-sufficiency. International sport is tough, no doubt, but there shouldn't be too many crutches. In most cases sports psychologists are crutches, and they tend to soften rather than harden the players.

Sorrow for sin is indeed necessary, but it should not be an endless preoccupation. You must dwell also on the glad remembrance of God's loving-kindness; otherwise, sadness will harden the heart and lead it more deeply into despair.

As the game enters its glorious final weeks, the chill of fall signals the reality of defeat for all but one team. The fields of play will turn brown and harden, the snow will fall, but in the heart of the fan sprouts a sprig of green.

Over the years you encounter just about every kind of crime. It doesn't harden you, but you become capable of reporting on just about anything human beings can do. However, any time we're dealing with the murder of a child it is always difficult.

Every team I play, I'm playing them like we playing the Golden State when they had Kevin Durant. Every point guard I play, I'm playing Steph Curry. Every shooting guard I'm playing, I'm playing James Harden. Every three-man I'm playing, I'm playing LeBron and KD.

I cross somebody once a game. Now whether you make an elite shot or whatever determines if it's a highlight, but I cross someone once a game, James Harden crosses someone four or five times a game. When you're guarding guys, you have to understand it's going to happen.

Outside the Raptors' organization, I definitely think guys like LeBron James, James Harden and Derrick Rose will show off some great looks. On our team, Kyle Lowry has amazing style. But we have a lot of fashionable guys: Patrick Patterson, Bismack Biyombo and Jonas Valanciunas are all really into fashion as well.

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