Do ants get headaches?

I have a terrific headache.

Chess is a cure for headaches.

Popularity can be a real headache.

That's a headache waiting to happen.

― Why does toothpaste give me headache?

Big studio comedies are such a headache.

A hooker once told me she had a headache.

Marketing is a major headache for farmers.

Life is a long headache in a noisy street.

The bigger the headache, the bigger the pill.

Most women know that sex isgood for headaches.

I saw 'Spacehunter 3-D.' It gave me a headache.

What can money do to console a man with a headache?

Writers don't give prescriptions. They give headaches!

Your existence gives me a headache. Go stand over there.

Privilege is a headache, that you don't know that you don't have.

If I don't have a woman for three days, I get terrible headaches.

Public appearances are a headache. I hold mine down to a minimum.

Marijuana is like sex: If I don't do it every day I get a headache.

Heavy booze is a big time vacation, but you come back with a headache.

Taking legal action against pirates is a headache for artists like me.

It's a bit of a headache being a perfectionist. You're never satisfied.

If I don't have a woman every three days or so I get a terrible headache.

You really want to get a headache? Try to understand Internet advertising.

If a man sits down to think, he is immediately asked if he has a headache.

Arguments about Scripture achieve nothing but a stomachache and a headache.

My agent gets 10 percent of everything I get, except the blinding headaches.

I don't take the movies seriously, and anyone who does is in for a headache.

If I have a fizzy drink and an ice cream, I get a sore tummy and a headache.

I can't tell you how many shows I've done with full-blown migraine headaches.

Learned researches lead to headaches, constipation, and befuddled quarreling.

Measuring and laying out the room in advance can save you a lot of headaches.

A great wind is blowing, and that gives you either imagination or a headache.

If the headache would only precede the intoxication, alcoholism would be a virtue.

The Royall Crowne cures not the head-ach. [The Royal Crown cures not the headache.]

Tell them I have the headache--no, the plague! I need something nice and contagious.

As human beings are also animals, to manage one million animals gives me a headache.

I'm kind of like Britney Spears having a headache. Everybody wants to know about it.

Do you happen to have another Condom? I think I've discovered the cure for headaches.

Any time I had my hair in a ponytail, it would give me a headache by the end of the day.

I didn't want the headache of having a publisher reviewing everything I wrote in advance.

There is so much headache and hassle involved in starting a business or running a business.

It's a headache, chasing a guy around. I'd rather play against a quarterback that sits still.

I do not envy the headache you will have when you awake. In the meantime, dream of large women.

I had headaches for over 30 years until I tried chiropractic. They have completely disappeared.

Material blessings, when they pay beyond the category of need, are weirdly fruitful of headache.

I like hitting people. The best feeling is when you hit so hard, pow! You get a jarring headache.

It's a huge headache - the more money you have, the more hassles. I find money very uncomfortable.

Is it me, or is the government more concerned about its own tax headaches, than your tax headaches?

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