Healthcare is a tough situation.

Our healthcare is a horror show.

There should be choice in healthcare.

Healthcare is a conservative marketplace.

I danced through chemo and radiation cycles.

Healthcare expenses often wipe out families.

Bangalore has become a centre for healthcare.

Control healthcare and you control the people

I always kind of wanted to go into healthcare.

Clearly, healthcare is a very important sector.

Access to maternal healthcare is a human right.

Only 3 percent of people in the DRC use condoms.

I like being on the side of healthcare consumer.

Healthcare is yet to be transformed by technology.

Healthcare is becoming part of information technology.

Healthcare system is broken without lifetime employment.

In health the flesh is graced, the holy enters the world.

Nobody was talking about healthcare until 'Sicko' came out.

There's not enough competition and innovation in healthcare.

Like education, healthcare also needs to be given importance.

Michigan is a state that wants access for women to healthcare.

Healthcare should be a human right and not a commodity for sale.

Every woman should have access to the healthcare that she needs.

You can’t vote against healthcare and call yourself a black man.

We call for healthcare as a human right through Medicare for all.

Research must be central to healthcare if healthcare is to improve.

We have a moral obligation to get healthcare to people who need it.

The only people really enthusiastic about healthcare are Democrats.

If you're going to re-invent healthcare you have to start from scratch.

The Republicans have a new healthcare proposal: Just say NO to illness!

The lack of financial strength to avail healthcare is a major challenge.

I believe that free-market principles will solve our healthcare problems.

Our healthcare environment is incredibly complex and is changing rapidly.

We spend $3 trillion a year [on healthcare] and we're only getting sicker.

I have seen the healthcare system from many angles, including as a patient.

Healthcare should be about market driven solutions, not government mandates.

That's what healthcare reform is about: the middle class's economic security.

If we do not lay out ourselves in the service of mankind whom should we serve?

Let's just say I'm a believer in universal, single-payer healthcare insurance.

We know the average American physician interrupts their patient in 14 seconds.

I believe in free education, free healthcare. But I do not believe in equality.

It turns out Cuba has this incredible healthcare system for a very poor country.

I am all for using business - public and private - to expand healthcare coverage.

It's easy to get distracted by the vaudevillian aspects of the healthcare debate.

Healthcare is an area that has the greatest potential to benefit from technology.

I think preexisting conditions is a very important feature of any healthcare system.

I know firsthand how our being such a rural state presents challenges to healthcare.

Romney raised $10 million. That’s a dollar for every position he’s had on healthcare.

You can't pay for healthcare if we're sending a trillion dollars a year to dictators.

Protecting lives means reshaping national policies from a community healthcare angle.

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