A woman in love is helpless.

When you feel helpless, help someone.

The helpless can't help the helpless.

Only he who is helpless can truly pray.

Victims always feel alone and helpless.

The bold are helpless without cleverness.

I didn't say to act dead. I said act helpless.

I feel more helpless with you than without you.

When your will power is gone, you are helpless.

Orangutan babies are like human babies: helpless.

I've never been helpless, I just have powerful enemies

Society attacks early, when the individual is helpless.

When tragedy strikes, feeling helpless is understandable.

It is a very rare man who does not victimize the helpless.

The absent are like children, helpless to defend themselves.

No one can feel as helpless as the owner of a sick goldfish.

The serpent is helpless unless he finds an apple to work with.

In the aftermath of a marriage, you feel helpless and hapless.

You're on your own now. You are not helpless. You will find your way.

If there's something I hate the most, it's feeling helpless, powerless.

It turned out that the country was helpless in the face of a new reality.

The most helpless person is the one who is helpless in reforming himself.

You're going to find Tigerstar. Against that fiend, every cat is helpless.

I hate being helpless, and I hate having to ask people to do things for me.

Americans have the right to choose to be unarmed and helpless. Be my guest.

Work, apart from devotion or love of God, is helpless and cannot stand alone.

I don't have children, so I can focus on my mission to save helpless animals.

I know how it feels to be helpless and it is the biggest fear one can experience.

I don't like to work. I am not helpless without work. Work is an obsession for me.

You must come to see how wonderful you are in God and how helpless you are in yourself.

I like knowing what's going on in the world - even if most of the time I feel helpless.

I have nothing against romanticism. I'm all for it. I'm helpless in the face of romance.

There is nothing more helpless and irresponsible than a man in the depths of an ether binge.

I would wake up in Moscow or somewhere else, my heart beating fast, feeling bitter and helpless.

I decided to protest in 2016 because I was feeling helpless and somebody needed to do something.

Where misunderstanding serves others as an advantage, one is helpless to make oneself understood.

Many Americans, we know, are horrified by the posture of their government but seem to be helpless.

I would like that no citizen of the state feels alone and helpless. The entire nation is with them.

All other ways of mortification are vain, all helps leave us helpless, it must be done by the Spirit.

My mother died of lung cancer last year. I felt helpless. As an economist, I thought, 'What can I do?'

Do you know how helpless you feel if you have a full cup of coffee in your hand and you start to sneeze?

When you feel bad, find a person to talk to and cry with, to tell of your anger and other helpless feelings.

I remember failing reading in school at a young age, and you just kinda get left behind and I felt helpless.

I grew a love for helpless, defenseless things. People would give me lions and jaguars. I had cheetahs, monkeys.

I don't hate nobody. I hate certain conditions that are inflicted upon the people - and they're helpless with it.

Some tribes of birds will relieve and rear up the young and helpless, of their own and other tribes, when abandoned.

My assignment is to take my situation and to use it to help others who feel hopeless and/or helpless because of loss.

I don't really get mad. But if I see a helpless animal being treated cruelly I will transform into the Incredible Hulk.

I'll always be with you, inside and out," she reads. "Through hard times and helpless ones, through love, through doubt.

What would you do without me? Say 'nothing.'" "Nothing," said the Prince. "Good. Then you're helpless and I'll help you.

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