I love my heritage!

My western heritage runs deep.

I'm very proud of my heritage.

Heritage does not equal destiny.

You want to try to find your heritage.

Lord of himself; that heritage of woe!

Yeah, my family is of Indian heritage.

I'm proud of my Latin American heritage.

I am proud of my heritage and my family.

I cherish my beautiful Italian heritage.

I'm proud of my Irish heritage and culture.

He who denies his heritage, has no heritage

What thou lov'st well is thy true heritage.

I am Indian and a chef with Indian heritage.

I don't work for Club For Growth or Heritage.

I've known where my heritage is from all along.

My heritage is Scottish and a lot of Irish, too.

I want children to feel proud of their heritage.

It's our heritage: we Democrats, we dream a lot.

We have a strong agricultural heritage in Kansas.

A people without a heritage are easily persuaded.

The Latina in me is an ember that blazes forever.

The musical heritage of Yorkshire is deep and wide.

Being a France is great from a heritage standpoint.

My heritage is English, so I'm proud to be back here.

May we Americans all live up to our glorious heritage.

In the luxury business, you have to build on heritage.

I always wanted my kids to be proud of their heritage.

Visual presentation of our heritage in glass is needed.

I'm so proud of my heritage, and I know who my fans are.

Agriculture and intercultural dialogue: our common heritage.

F1 is a very strong business and it's got enormous heritage.

Beauty is my heritage, but home decor is very much my passion.

Happiness is a very proud word of our whole cultural heritage.

My heritage has been my grounding, and it has brought me peace.

I'm of Cypriot heritage, we have no concept of portion control.

Sport must be the heritage of all men and of all social classes.

Heritage is something martial-arts films don't often talk about.

We share a wonderful, I think, physical or geographical heritage.

Take away a nation's heritage and they are more easily persuaded.

There are no heritage concepts at Marvel or DC that are untouched.

I thank my dad for leaving me such a wonderful, wonderful heritage.

I don't know how anyone of Hispanic heritage could be a Republican.

I'm very proud of New Order and Joy Division, that heritage of songs.

I don't endorse people that bash judges based on his ethnic heritage.

After all, I think Jerusalem is part of the, of the world's heritage.

We say Paul Ryan was grown in a petri dish at the Heritage Foundation.

We should also start taking care of the future, not just the heritage.

So many people are of mixed heritage; everyone is from somewhere else.

For we know that our patchwork heritage is a strength, not a weakness.

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