Make it a goal to be somebody's hero.

But in the hero ne'er forget the man.

Joe Louis was one of my first heroes.

Heroes come along when you need them.

Long ago I left heroics to the heroes

What's a hero if not for its journey.

Celluloid heroes never feel any pain.

A hero is a man who does what he can.

The term 'hero' irritates me greatly.

A dead martyr is just another corpse.

'Shadow Hero' was a dream to work on.

But heroes, at times, had to be fools.

Lack of manners is the sign of a hero.

Everyone in my family is a hero to me.

O friend, never strike sail to a fear!

Everybody needs a hero. Jesus is mine.

Every man is the hero of his own song.

Disobedience is the stamp of the hero.

Sacha Baron Cohen is one of my heroes.

Non-stop action and a hero to die for!

Clint Eastwood has always been a hero.

For some heroes, nothing is impossible

It's not just children who need heroes.

Duane Jones is a personal hero of mine.

All my big heroes are literary, writers.

All your heroes are dead! I killed them!

In the face of pain there are no heroes.

The hero is never the star of the story.

What is a hero without love for mankind.

I prefer a real villain to a false hero.

Long story short: E. L. James is a hero.

A working class hero is something to be.

Every villain is a hero in his own mind.

I'm really not that good at Guitar Hero!

No man is a hero to his valet de chamber

Man, he deserves a hero cookie. (Selena)

Look, we're in the time of the anti-hero.

Deadpool is a hero that you want to love.

Inside a soul, there's a hero to discover

Muhammad Ali is a legend, a hero of mine.

Any Christian who is not a hero is a pig.

A great brand starts with a hero product.

Who amongst us doesn't want to be a hero?

The reluctant hero is always fun to play.

Allen Iverson is, like, my all-time hero.

Heroism is endurance for one moment more.

Heroes are often the most ordinary of men.

If negative meant positive we'd be heroes.

There is no true orator who is not a hero.

The real hero is always a hero by mistake.

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