What is a society without a heroic dimension?

Personally, I think Julian Assange is a hero.

Are you making fun of my hero complex?' Yeah.

Heroes don't need to talk about what they did.

He [John McCain] hit me - he`s not a war hero.

Hero is he alone who vies with powers supreme!

I just thought, 'I want to be an action hero.'

I’m neither traitor nor hero. I’m an American.

My style hero was Batman. Now it's Tony Stark.

Dirk Nowitzki has been my hero for many years.

Just by luck, I picked good heroes to worship.

Goddess of song, teach me the story of a hero.

Is a novel anything but a trap set for a hero?

Gold is tried by fire, brave men by adversity.

Heroes don't wear diapers. It's just not cool.

Every generation has to find their own heroes.

My dream is to make a Superman hero that's gay.

I am, to be quite honest, sick of hero stories.

Real heroes are all around us and uncelebrated.

Growing up, Michael Jordan was my Olympic hero.

True heros are made of hard work and integrity.

Growing up, Michael Jordan was my Olympic hero.

Being a hero means ignoring how silly you feel.

Every villain is a hero in his or her own mind.

Fools boast of what they will do. Heroes do it.

History will decide if I'm a villain or a hero.

Place bets on your dreams and be your own hero!

I have always been against the gangster as hero.

Eugene V. Debs has always been one of my heroes.

Lou Reed was a hero because he was an anti-hero.

It is much easier to be a hero than a gentleman.

Your heroes will help you find good in yourself.

My style hero was' Batman.' Now it's Tony Stark.

Rarely do they appear great before their valets.

A hero is someone we can admire without apology.

I feel like an old lady; my hero is Miss Marple.

The hero is the person who's afraid to run away.

The hope of immortality makes heroes of cowards.

You are the heroes. You are the heroes everyday.

The idea of a new hero for a new day sang to me.

For me, my dad is the best hero in the universe.

Don't tell me women are not the stuff of heroes.

I don't have any idols, any heroes, nothing, no.

There are no heroes...in life, the monsters win.

All great men are play actors of their own ideal.

A hero cannot be a hero unless in a heroic world.

The best thing I did was choose the right heroes.

Make the customer the hero of your brand's story.

A hero can be afraid, but a hero never runs away.

Greatness once and forever has down with opinion.

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