Heroes can be sweet.

I'm bad at picking heroes.

Our athletes are our heroes.

Tina Fey is one of my heroes.

Dean Martin is one of my heroes.

The law has no power over heroes.

Bullfighters are Seville's heroes.

Alzheimer's caregivers are heroes.

You should never meet your heroes.

I had both male and female heroes.

My heroes were all in the theatre.

Richard Burton is one of my heroes.

I love reluctant heroes, all of that.

My heroes were always soccer players.

I like to make films about my heroes.

Joe Louis was one of my first heroes.

Every generation has to have its heroes.

Roger Stone is one of my personal heroes.

Green Day were heroes of mine growing up.

The world doesn't make any heroes anymore.

Unhappy the land that is in need of heroes.

'Hogan's Heroes' lasted longer than the war.

There are heroes in evil as well as in good.

Michael Mann's always been one of my heroes.

Time makes heroes but dissolves celebrities.

My heroes: Nick Cave, Tom Waits, Nina Simone.

Heroes get remembered, but legends never die.

Freddy Krueger was one of my childhood heroes.

Just by luck, I picked good heroes to worship.

All interesting heroes have an Achilles' heel.

My real heroes have always been sportswriters.

Most people aren't these grandstanding heroes.

Heroes don't wear diapers. It's just not cool.

Real heroes are all around us and uncelebrated.

It is surmounting difficulties that makes heroes.

The best thing I did was to choose the right heroes.

I think heroes who are not flawed are not believable.

I've had heroes in my life - Joe DiMaggio, Babe Ruth.

When the heroes go off the stage, the clowns come on.

Mothers who work full time - they're the real heroes.

I don't have any influences, any heroes, it's just me.

Two of my biggest heroes were my father and John Wayne.

Custer had dead heroes. Crazy Horse had only live ones.

I've acted with shorter heroes, and no one has objected.

But protagonists are protagonists and heroes are heroes.

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. is one of my personal heroes.

There are more heroes than cops, FBI agents, and lawyers.

I don't believe there are heroes or saviours in politics.

I've actually met quite a few of my heroes from the past.

We all want heroes and we all want somebody to look up to.

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