There is no Hierarchy of Oppressions

Every seeming equality conceals a hierarchy.

Hierarchy works well in a stable environment.

Hierarchy is a kind of order of abstractions.

The hierarchy shouldn't fear what we're doing.

Hierarchy is is much reviled in the present day.

Hierarchies are celestial. In hell all are equal.

There is no hierarchy in Japanese Buddhist poetry.

Even in a hierarchy people can be equal as thinkers.

Ideals jump across the hierarchies of the printed word.

Your position in the hierarchy influences your behaviour.

There's a hierarchy in prison, and I was right at the top.

There's no sort of hierarchy at 'Corrie.' The crew get on.

Nature admits no hierarchy of beauty or usefulness or importance.

I think most people can identify with the hierarchy of the workplace.

GenXers naturally bristle at hierarchies, but thrive on partnerships.

O latest born and loveliest vision far of all Olympus' faded hierarchy.

I don't think there should be a hierarchy of what is valid in the arts.

I'm a Catholic of the New Testament, I'm not a Catholic of the hierarchy.

In a hierarchy, every employee tends to rise to his level of incompetence.

The military was all about hierarchies, who urinated highest on the hydrant

I understand that bureaucracy, hierarchy and managing politics is not easy.

When there is no type hierarchy you don't have to manage the type hierarchy.

Humans want to know the hierarchy; it's important for there to be one leader.

In most hierarchies, supercompetence is more objectionable than incompetence.

The great thing about fact-based decisions is that they overrule the hierarchy.

In the hierarchy of the family, I'm just above the dog. But I like it that way.

Profit maximization is the murderous strategy of global corporation hierarchies

I detest this contemporary trend to destroy the traditional hierarchy of genres.

All power rests on hierarchy: An army is nothing but a well-organized lynch mob.

There should be no boundaries, no hierarchy, no violence. Men and women are equal.

The kudos and hierarchy of playing in the Premier League for a footballer is huge.

Capitalization implies a hierarchy, that some letters are more special than others.

I can't work in an environment where it's a stiff hierarchy; that's not my kind of way.

I don't care where I sit in terms of hierarchy, box office takings, or any of that stuff.

I feel that discrimination and hierarchy is something that people have to face constantly.

Hierarchy is an organization with its face toward the CEO and its ass toward the customer.

Action is always seen as the bottom rung of thespian endeavour, that's just the way it is.

Legislators have a formal set of responsibilities to work together, but there's no hierarchy.

I think kids are all focused on their hierarchy and status, and I was low status or something.

The Internet enables us to share the ideas we have without having to create another hierarchy.

If we can no longer believe in heavenly hierarchies, extraterrestrial hierarchies will suffice.

Innovation has never come through bureaucracy and hierarchy. It's always come from individuals.

I had to delegate authority to the people on my staff. That means you shave away the hierarchy.

I know what hierarchy and discipline mean. Without those, we will never have order and progress.

You must not run your Organization as a functional hierarchy. You must understand it as a System.

The hierarchy plays out in the writers room, and you, as a staff writer, need to know your place.

The world is not flat, and PCs are not, in the hierarchy of human needs, in the first five rungs.

As an NFL rookie, I had to buy meals for older guys. I appreciate hierarchy. I understand teamwork.

The hierarchy of class in London was rigid. It was like a religion. It still is to a certain extent.

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