I've never been very flashy or high-profile.

I'm not qualified to be a high-profile person.

I have led many high-profile people to the Lord.

With high-profile jobs, comes pressure and competition.

When I did a high-profile project, I was not the developer of it.

I built the most exclusive and decadent high-profile club for powerful men.

Character actors aren't a brand in the same way that high-profile leading men are.

That's the buzz you want as a footballer - to perform well in the big high-profile games.

A lot of things which come with a high profile will always be criticised one way or another.

When a high-profile personality lives like I do, everybody thinks that person is fated to die young.

College acceptances, particularly of high-profile teens and celebrities, make the news cycle each year.

I still feel, when I meet actresses, no matter how high-profile they are, that they are starved for good roles.

High-profile industry disruptions such as steel or car plant closures attract much media and political attention.

Behind a smoke screen of high-profile female appointees and soothing slogans, George W. Bush is waging war on women.

When a high-profile celebrity sits down with you for an interview, there's no obligation for them to give you anything.

We all know the power of social media, things can get out there so quickly. We are high-profile footballers, we know that.

I want to be high-profile with the average Angeleno. I want to be out there holding office hours on a curb in Boyle Heights.

The primary job for women in Hollywood is still super-attractive actress. That is the most high-profile women's job in Hollywood.

'Project Runway' made my name more high-profile. I've gotten to work with a lot of different celebrity clients that I never would have otherwise.

One of the advantages of being a national journalist of some recognition is that you come across high-profile people, and many become your friends.

Look, the term 'high-profile relationship' for us is laughable because we are probably the biggest scrubs when it comes to the way we live our lives.

Massoumeh Ebtekar is the highest-ranking woman in Iran's government, a symbol of President Mohammed Khatami's promise to promote women into high-profile positions.

There are many projects that I would have loved to be a part of, but I was not high-profile enough, or I had the wrong look. That's just something you have to expect.

I have to keep working because, although I have land, I'm not cash rich and don't have the wealth of high-profile actresses - don't say I'm an 'actor.' That's a bit too modern.

I've been acting all along. I understand that I haven't been in people's viewers, but acting has never not been a part of my life, just more time in between and less high-profile.

I have a great husband, great parents and in-laws, and I have help with a nanny. It's not easy, but there are others who do it every day and don't have a high-profile job as I do.

It just doesn't mean anything to me, the high-profile, big money side of things. I just want enough to live on, and to be able to get on with what I do, and hang around my friends.

Even though people involved in racing think that it has a big sporting stage, it is a minority sport compared to some of the other high-profile events: football, Formula One or golf.

It would be normal for anybody running a high-profile, politically controversial operation in China to anticipate worst-case scenario, and to do everything possible to guard against them.

My individual power is limited. I want to use my high-profile way to wake people up to take action together to do good things. I can only awake them with my performance art and creativity.

We like long-form narrative journalism, and we feel there aren't enough high-profile outlets in Canada running the kind of stories we want to showcase - long, meaty, thoughtful, investigative.

I recommend people don't get in high-profile marriages. There are a lot of people in the world. You don't have to marry someone with their own team of publicists, managers, agents, and lawyers.

I've been arrested a few times. The most high-profile instance was when protesting at the fracking site in Balcombe. It's an industry which will undermine our chances of tackling climate change.

Having such high-profile parents could be intimidating, but really, they've let me do my own thing and evolve as a person. When I changed my major from economics to film, they were cool about it.

Whenever a president nominates somebody to a high-profile post, there is always the risk that some skeleton, real or imagined, will emerge from the nominee's closet and doom the whole enterprise.

Mom was only 23 when she had me, and there's a version of my story where we could have lived in New York, and she could have had a very high-profile life, and I could have been raised by nannies.

Despite being a business journalist at the BBC for ten years, working behind the scenes on our high-profile news programmes, I was viewed by some in the organisation to be 'too common for telly.'

I've talked to some drummers who seem to have a very hard time staying in shape on the road, including some drummers touring with high-profile acts that don't have to live on fast food every night.

The fight against corruption is not bound to high-profile arrests and high-profile investigations. The fight against corruption is successful if you prevent corruption taking place in the first place.

When the venture capital industry invests, it's usually because they sense there is money in them hills. And often it takes a high-profile winner to wake everyone up in the category. SpaceX is that company.

There's an oft-used shorthand for the technologist's view of the world. It is assumed that libertarianism dominates Silicon Valley, and that isn't wholly wrong. High-profile devotees of Ayn Rand can be found there.

I was kind of unproven. I didn't play in a high-profile school, and with that comes the notion that, 'He's not ready.' I felt I had questions to answer. Was I going to be ready to play against elite-level athletes?

When it comes to gang-based child exploitation, it is self-evident to anyone who cares to look that if you look at all the recent high-profile cases, there is a high proportion of men that are of Pakistani heritage.

I spend time on campaign creation and implementation, anything from sitting down with the agency or with creative companies. I also meet with supporters. We've been really lucky to have various high-profile supporters.

None of those jobs were high-profile, but once I was on ET, people then began to associate me with that show. So, that is the thing that many people know me for. When in effect, that was the end of my television career.

Cross platform, we have opportunity across all our businesses to not only take the most well-known and high-profile brands and bring them to life with the guidance of people who know them well, but to incubate new ones.

By age 19, I was married to a high-profile, much older musician and was mother to a baby girl. Since then, I've been divorced, been a cheater, been cheated on, gotten happily remarried, and raised a couple of great kids.

To be sure, the hard-to-come-by interview - the 'get' - isn't an uncommon phenomenon here at 'The Daily Show.' We've had high-profile dignitaries, low-profile indignitaries, stars you've heard of, authors you should have read.

What's hardest for me to swallow is when there is a love story, say, with a really high-profile male star and there's no reason I can't play the part. They say, 'Oh, we love Halle, we just don't want to go black with this part.'

High-profile columnists should remember they are in a privileged position. Writing isn't a dreadfully specific skill - it's taught to millions via our schooling system. And opinions? Well, I've yet to meet people without opinions.

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