I swam in high school.

Don't peak in high school.

I was a geek in high school.

I was a loser in high school.

I was a high school throw-out.

I started drama in high school.

I was very popular in high school.

I was a total dork in high school.

I wasn't super-cool in high school.

High school popularity is so fickle.

Hollywood is high school with money.

High school was great when it ended.

I treat Hollywood as my high school.

I did three musicals in high school.

I guess I was popular in high school.

I went to high school with Al Capone.

Oh, in high school, I wore a uniform!

In high school, I was a poor student.

In high school, I was scared to dance.

My parents are high school sweethearts.

Everybody is who he was in high school.

I was the hallway clown in high school.

Prison is like high school with knives.

I went to Manhattan Center High School.

You never grow out of high school sadly.

'Animal' was my nickname in high school.

In every high school, there is a clique.

In high school, I couldn't do one pushup.

I was a complete outsider in high school.

In high school I went on about three dates.

I played cello in my high school orchestra.

I was never really unpopular in high school.

In high school, I didn't date awesome dudes.

I never dated much in high school or college.

I threw all my clothes away from high school.

I actually went to high school with Jay Rock.

I read a lot of 'Spark Notes' in high school.

In high school and college, I was an athlete.

I dated the same girl all through high school.

I played sports in high school and in college.

In high school, I played in a Rush cover band.

Kelly Kelly really graduated from high school?

I was your quintessential nerd in high school.

I was a hard rocker when I was in high school.

I went through a lot of battles in high school.

I cherished my time playing high school sports.

I was a scam artist in high school for a while.

Most people had high school. I had Breaking Bad.

A lot of stuff I wear I've had since high school.

High school and equality are forever incompatible.

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