Weeping must not hinder worship.

Failure will hurt but not hinder us.

Prayers and Provender hinder no Journey.

That which hinders your task is your task.

The one thing that hinders God is our unbelief.

Thoughts about myself hinder my usefulness to God.

that which is impossible to force, it is impossible to hinder.

Targets don't fight crime; they hinder the fight against crime.

The things that hinder me are opportunities to learn more and develop further.

If you knew what you were doing, that it would hinder you, you wouldn't do it.

Know that nothing can hinder you but yourself. If you believe you can, you can.

You must learn to wrestle against the things that hinder your communication with God.

Parents can really help, but they can also really hinder the development of their youngsters.

Long-term goals are dangerous. They limit you. They hinder you from reacting to new conditions.

Nothing hinders a thing from being natural so much as the straining ourselves to make it seem so.

I want to warn against the Fifth Column which is trying to hinder our free way of life in Holland.

What most of all hinders heavenly consolation is that you are too slow in turning yourself to prayer.

Bitterness and unforgiveness block the flow of God's blessing in your life and actually hinder your prayers.

Eliminate laws and dogmas that hinder the progress of the world and develop the heart in the form of compassion.

When you have to earmark human and monetary resources for such a long time, it starts to hinder your other activities.

There is no chance, no destiny, no fate, that can circumvent or hinder or control the firm resolve of a determined soul.

It needs to be understood that global warming countermeasures could transform the economy and foster growth, not hinder it.

I plan to eliminate regulations that hinder domestic companies, particularly large conglomerates from investing in other companies.

Now that I'm out there and it's known that I'm trans, I think that sometimes might hinder my opportunity in snagging a big cis role.

If you are carrying strong feelings about something that happened in your past, they may hinder your ability to live in the present.

Environment is undoubtedly a secondary factor in the phenomena of life; it can modify in that it can help or hinder, but it can never create.

Some directors ask for a hero introduction number, a duet and a fast number towards the climax. Most of the times, these songs only hinder the story.

Don't let your history hinder you from your destiny... you are only held back by yourself! You aren't what they say you were, you are who God says you are!!

At the federal level, we must help, not hinder, local school boards, parents, teachers and administrators as they make decisions about educating our children.

I was one of those weird children that just couldn't talk to people, so I kind of had to make myself be not like that because I knew it was going to hinder me.

When you start fighting, when your dream is to be the champion of the world, when you accomplish that, you don't feel lost. It doesn't hinder you. It only helps.

If in preaching the gospel you substitute your knowledge of the way of salvation for confidence in the power of the gospel, you hinder people from getting to reality.

I have a terrible tendency to lick my fingers when I cook. So much so that I got a telling off from my pastry teacher years ago, who said it would hinder my prospects.

Do your work for six years; but in the seventh, go into solitude or among strangers, so that the memory of your friends does not hinder you from being what you have become.

With each assignment, I weigh the looming possibility of being killed, and I chastise myself for allowing fear to hinder me. War photographers aren't supposed to get scared.

A lot of people in our generation like to make excuses about little things that really don't hinder them from doing what they want to. It always comes down to the work ethic.

Sixteen years as a freelance features journalist taught me that neither the absence of 'the Muse' nor the presence of 'the block' should be allowed to hinder the orderly progress of a book.

For me, cleidocranial dysplasia was something that just spontaneously happened. Nobody in my family has it. It doesn't really hinder me at all. Obviously, I'm still able to do the things I love.

I have grown up believing that when an individual excels at what he does, it makes him desirable. I am a living example that lack of conventional good looks shouldn't hinder you from being awesome.

We must recognize the fact that many Nazis, Marxists and Fascists believe passionately in their fundamental rightness, and allow nothing to hinder them from their goal in the pursuit of their mission.

When a house is being built which is to be made as strong as possible, the building takes place in fine weather and in calm, so that nothing may hinder the structure from acquiring the needed solidity.

If you are going to believe in the fairy tale of 'Mr. Right,' then you need to keep everything in perspective. Know the things that make you happy. Know the things that enable and/or hinder your growth.

It's a learning process, and now I know that even when you don't have a title, or you're not in a main event caliber program, you have to remain 'main event level' and always not allow anything to hinder that.

I love acting. I do it as a hobby. If I was able to have that as a career... Hopefully the fashion thing is a stepping-stone. I was so worried when I started modeling that it would hinder my chances of acting.

What I really wanted was to perform. So if it took four world titles or one Olympic medal, I just wanted so badly to be able to perform. So it doesn't hinder me sleeping at night that I don't have an Olympic medal.

There are so many factors that go into how you feel, as a performer, on any given movie, that it's really hard to identify which things are the things that help you be good, and which are the things that hinder you.

I've always said that kids should enhance your life, not hinder your life, so I just try to make the most out of being with my kids. You have to have a life for yourself somewhere in the mix of being a wife and mum.

A state-based regulatory system is quite burdensome. It allows price controls to create market distortions. It can hinder development of national products and can directly impact the competitiveness of U.S. insurers.

I never really learnt from anyone. I just spent a lot of time at home, knocking things out. It has been interesting going into proper studios, working with people who know everything. But I find it doesn't hinder me.

The absence of political personalities in the government will help rather than hinder a solid base of support for the government in parliament and in the political parties because it will remove one ground for disagreement.

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