I never hire a stylist.

I'm an actor; I hire out.

Hire passionate employees.

Usually people just hire me.

Don't hire a prison consultant.

I am an affirmative action hire.

Successful companies hire people.

We hire people who are smarter than us.

You can't hire someone to practice for you.

I don't want to become a director for hire.

You're only as good as the people you hire.

It takes a lot of money to hire an attorney.

We want to hire people who are self-learners.

In addition we also hire many senior citizens.

Always be smarter than the people who hire you.

When I hire actors I believe in their abilities.

If you don't want a female coach, don't hire one!

When you hire someone, you are investing in them.

I always make sure I hire people smarter than me.

I was a writer for hire. I wrote to pay the bills.

I feel happy when people hire me only as an actor.

Nobody would hire me for TV, not that they should.

Lawyers are men who hire out their words and anger.

We have to hire, retain, and develop the best staff.

Making labor less expensive helps firms hire people.

If you wanna make a lot of money, you should hire me.

Nobody's ever going to hire me to choreograph fights.

You don't hire Kehinde Wiley to have a tame painting.

We don't hire students who are just good at academics.

I'll continue working as long as people want to hire me.

It is much easier to hire your 20th person than your 1st.

Hire the best people, and trust what you hired them to do.

I've done work for hire. I've worked for DC and Dark Horse.

If you can't hire someone smarter than you, do it yourself.

I'm trying to work in studio movies, but they won't hire me.

We hire people who are freaks. They don't have social lives.

We hire people who want to make the best things in the world.

I hire people brighter than me and then I get out of their way.

Women have to write for each other; we have to hire each other.

When you hire in business, you don't worry about marquee value.

I can hire one-half of the working class to kill the other half.

We will follow two simple rules: Buy American and hire American.

I spent 20 years of my career primarily being a writer for hire.

If somebody's in the community doing cool stuff, we'll hire them.

In those days industry would hire any chemist that could breathe.

As a judge, I hire four law clerks each year. I look for the best.

I've never really hired anybody that people thought I should hire.

Well, somebody's got to sing. They won't hire you unless you sing.

The Cantor reputation is one we get from clients and those we hire.

I don't want to hire people who have less of a commitment than I do.

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