I'm a huge horror film and sci-fi fan.

A really good horror film has a story.

I'm always a fan of a good horror film.

I would like to do a horror film with zombies!

I love my horror films and they will always be very close to me.

I hope one day that I'll get to make another horror film; I'd love to.

I'm not a director to make an action or horror film. That's not for me.

I feel like I'm in a horror film. Everywhere I turn, there's a journalist.

It's gotten to the point where it's big news when I don't do a horror film.

You know, the best thing you can say about a horror film is, 'Don't see it.'

As much as I like watching horror films, I never thought I would act in them.

I was in the first 'Friday The 13th,' and that was a microbudget horror film.

I didn't even know what a horror film was. I kind of made it up as I went along.

'Hellraiser' was the first horror film I ever saw, so it will always be a favorite.

Any time a new horror film comes out that looks appealing, I'm always excited to go see it.

I watch every horror film that comes out in theatres. I watch every horror film that's on Netflix.

Rather than a horror film, a ghost story is different because a ghost is what you can't quite see.

Kevin' is a psychological horror film. It uses genre elements, so hopefully it's exciting to watch.

When you're the good guy in a horror film, you're usually suffering a lot throughout the entire thing.

If one horror film hits, everyone says, 'Let's go make a horror film.' It's the genre that never dies.

I've always been fascinated by Asian culture, and I love that women can play the lead in a horror film.

'Rear Window' isn't really a horror film, but it is a psychological drama, which I love. It is very tense.

'Bhoot' is a hold-on-to-your-seats horror film, while 'Darna Manaa Hai' is a hold-on-to-your-popcorn horror film.

Scream was great for what it was. For a horror film, it was intelligent, it was funny, it took a laugh at itself.

I loved 'Jaws.' I think that is not really a horror film, but it made me afraid of the ocean for a very long time.

It's funny, I can sit through the worst horror film ever made but even a quite good romantic comedy can drive me nuts.

I don't understand it, but every horror film is huge. I would consider one, but I don't know if my heart would be in it.

I joke and I say, 'I need to go back to make a supernatural horror film just to so that I can make a movie that's grounded again.'

I would much rather watch a horror film or science fiction than a comedy. I don't know why. I just like them. I find them relaxing.

Wes Craven is obviously a horror film icon so I was definitely very interested in bringing something back to life that Wes had created.

In some ways, the audience becomes complacent when they go to a horror film. And so it's fun to take that attitude and then to upend it.

Horror film fans are pretty starved for quality. If you do something thoughtful or if you make something good, they're so thankful for it.

I don't have a horror film in me just because I don't like to be scared. But I definitely have a documentary in me, and I certainly have dramas.

Take my wife... please. I'm not saying she's ugly, but when she went to see a horror film, the audience thought she was making a personal appearance.

I was imagining films in my head and trying to gather friends together to make movies since I was a kid. I tried to do comedy skits and a horror film.

When I first heard of it, I thought it was a horror film. 'Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles' is such a strange name. I wasn't into the comic books at all.

I really respond to human scripts, scripts that are raw and real and risky. I love playing scary characters - not horror film scary, but vulnerable scary.

'Click' is a horror film and a first for me. People think I always had a face good enough to do films of this genre. So now I'd take that as a compliment.

A horror film does not rely on dialogues and music. It is the sound of creaking doors, the window banging open and the build-up that is not easy to achieve.

The first horror film I remember seeing in the theatre was Halloween and from the first scene when the kid puts on the mask and it is his POV, I was hooked.

If you're making a horror film, it's very important that you have lots of quiet, suspensey, don't-know-what's-happening stuff before you get the big fright.

I learned some big lessons on my first film, a horror film which was never released in the U.S., even though we sold it to Harvey Weinstein for a lot of money.

It's not scary to make a horror film because you get to pull back the curtain and see that none of it's real. When you're watching one, the terror bombards you.

Although we're all in this to make a living, why not make something to make an impact? One day, I'll make a horror film. I think I know what the audience wants.

The scariest movie I have ever seen, and my favorite horror film is, 'The Exorcist.' It is a must-see horror/thriller classic. I watch it every couple of years.

One could make money and get a career going with a low-budget horror film about killers attacking on holidays. It is always flattering to have somebody copy you.

For me in a horror film, just looking down a long corridor and seeing somebody standing there, the simplest thing in the world, has a really seismic impact to me.

'The Quiet Ones' was my first film, let alone my first horror film, and I had so much fun. I had such a laugh, every single day. I look like such a feral child in it.

I love when you go to a horror film with real horror fans and everybody's there watching, getting involved and screaming. That's when it's most alive and exciting for me.

In a horror film the protagonist should be vulnerable enough for audience to be worried about him. You can't have a six feet boxer and expect audience to worry about him.

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