We make up horrors to help us cope with the real ones.

Comedy provides an escape from the horrors of real life.

From even the greatest of horrors, irony is seldom absent.

What would life be without arithmetic, but a scene of horrors?

Euphemism is a human device to conceal the horrors of reality.

I have seen heroics - soldiers saving other soldiers' lives - and horrors.

Occasionally, the horrors of life in North Korea do show up in our American satire.

I wonder if the nursery and the chamber of horrors are as far apart as people think?

It's been an obsession with me from childhood, the horrors of the twentieth century.

A lot of what I've done has a rock edge, even going back to 'Little Shop of Horrors.'

My first success was 'Little Shop of Horrors,' and I had been working for years on jingles.

Time and distance from the first and second world wars doesn't seem to lessen their horrors.

What can I tell you about things like Circus of Horrors except that I get killed by the bear?

For centuries, the horrors of war have been sculpted by artists so people would never forget.

It wasn't long before people discovered the final horrors of letting an urchin into Parliament.

A Failure in this Duty did once involve our Nation in all the Horrors of Rebellion and Civil War.

Assad is unquestionably guilty of the most grievous fault and has inflicted horrors upon his people.

In every generation, there are horrors that define an age and events that scar the global conscience.

Like all tools, modern technology has produced some wonderful moments in music and also some horrors.

I am now seventy, rather glad, really, that I won't live to see the horrors to come in the 21st century.

Horrors, I believe, should be original - the use of common myths and legends being a weakening influence.

There was always talk that the Horrors didn't have any substance but I think they're proving people wrong.

In its history, Europe has committed so many massacres and horrors that it should bow its own head in shame.

There are reasons to go on living despite what horrors may come in your life. And love informs those reasons.

I don't sleep enough, and it does... what is the opposite of wonders... horrors. It does horrors for my skin.

I wasn't thinking that I was two horrors back to back; I was thinking these were characters that I want to play.

People aren't honest about the horrors of fame. The downsides are so overwhelming that, for me, there is no payoff.

It is time for all civilized nations to stop the horrors that are taking place in Syria and demand a political solution.

I've never been to war, and I would never presume to fully understand the horrors that that kind of experience can impart.

Civilization is hideously fragile and there's not much between us and the horrors underneath, just about a coat of varnish.

You walk past people in streets, or they serve you in shops, and you know nothing about the horrors they may be living with.

Some think the worst horrors of war might be avoided by an international agreement not to use atomic bombs. This is a vain hope.

What kind of America do people want to leave for their children? What horrors are down the road, stuff that was unthinkable 30 years ago?

How many persons condemned to the horrors of solitary confinement have gone mad - simply because the thinking faculties have lain dormant!

I think so many doors have been opened for the gay community as far as the dangers and horrors of HIV. There is so much more out-ness now.

I took my mother-in-law to Madame Tussaud's Chamber of Horrors, and one of the attendants said: 'Keep her moving sir; we're stock-taking.'

The human mind is inspired enough when it comes to inventing horrors; it is when it tries to invent a Heaven that it shows itself cloddish.

My life is to travel, and my life is also to speak out about the horrors of an environment that is being abused at the hands of oil companies.

The human condition is endlessly fascinating to me, and the existential horrors of life are what drive our imaginations and theater in general.

London survived the Great Fire 350 years ago. We were not beaten by the Blitz or the horrors of 7/7. History has shown us how strong London is.

Physical pain however great ends in itself and falls away like dry husks from the mind, whilst moral discords and nervous horrors sear the soul.

'Fall Of A City' aims to convey, in all its emotional richness, the effects of war and the toll taken on city and family by the horrors of siege.

I was able to do a lot of music on 'SCTV,' and I was really lucky to do a musical; I got to sing the part of Seymour in 'Little Shop of Horrors.'

I don't understand why Germans are openly demonstrating against Islamization and radicalization but don't help the people who flee from such horrors.

It is perfectly obvious that no one nor any single country can save the world from the horrors of tsunamis, hurricanes, earthquakes and winged influenza.

Thirty years ago, we were in a movie theater and thought it was so cool because we were finally delivered from the horrors of stained glass and wooden pews.

More than seven months ago, our country learned that the horrors portrayed in Hollywood's make-believe world could actually come to life before our very eyes.

The Labour Party of today has fits of horrors of the very thought of somebody like me might saying that they bought in white Australia. But I believe they did.

'Frankenstein' is a timeless classic. As science advances, it becomes more relevant, not less. Its fantasy moves closer to fact, its horrors closer to reality.

My writings are limited to depicting analytically, but also polemically, the horrors of reality. Redemption is the speciality of other authors, male and female.

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